Number Eighteen

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HoYeon: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single


If you ask me about my work I can only say that I absolutely hate it. I work for a journal agency and let's just say, I don't like my job, I don't like my boss and I don't like some of my co-workers.

 I was once again getting yelled at by my boss because allegedly, I didn't hand in all the paperwork for the newest article. I'm a 100% sure I handed it everything. But as I said, I don't like my boss and he doesn't like me.

 I was sitting at my desk as my co-worker Kim came up to me and handed me a big tower of paperwork. "Y/N I would be super thankful if you could finish my work because I have an appointment. Thanks. Bye" I couldn't even answer. Kim already left and left me alone with her huge paper tower. I sighted and tried to control my anger although I'd love to hit against my keyboard in that moment and threw the whole paper tower out of the window.

 After some inner rage, I decided I can't come around that work so I slowly started with it. I soon realised that I'm missing a stamp which I need for those papers. The stamps are on the 5th floor. I work on the ground floor. I stood up annoyed and made my way to the elevator. 

HoYeon POV:

I was just filling out some report files of the interviews I made in the last couple of days. I was in a good speed wiht my work. I soon realised thatI need a new eraser for my papers. The erasers are on the 6th floor and I work on the 1st floor. I stood up and made my way to the elevator. 

As the elevator arrived on my floor, the doors opened and there was only one person standing in it. Y/N. 

"Why" I thought annoyed because I don't like Y/N. I really don't. But I knew that I need that stamp and there are really not much of them. So I had the choiche between entering the elevator and be with Y/n for 20 seconds or wait until the next elevator arrives but then there will maybe be no more erasers. I decided to enter the elevator.


"Does this have to be?" I thought annoyed as I saw HoYeon standing infront of the elevator. As she entered it, I avoided to look at her because I don't like her and she doesn't like me because one day 5 months ago, she scoffed me for not doing my work so I scoffed her for copying an article from another worker. 

The doors of the elevator closed and it was dead silent. "Which floor?" HoYeon asked me, looking straight foreward. 

"5th" I answered short. "Thank godness I don't have to be on the same floor as you" HoYeon replied annoyed. "The pleasure is on my side" I replied arrogant. "Don't act like I'm the bad guy" I added.

𝐇𝐨𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now