Number Fourteen

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HoYeon: Famous

You: Famous

Relationship: Couple

HoYeon POV: 

Since Y/n and I starred in Squid Game together, people started to ship her and my charakter Ji-Yeong and Sae Byeok and also her and me in reallife. We see thousand of instagram posts where people write "Omg HoYeon and Y/n would be that couple. Or Y/N and HoYeon are soo cute🥺. Or Look how HoYeon looks at Y/N!😍"

 I don't know what would happen with instagram or the wholw internet if Y/n and I would post that we're actually together. Yes Y/n and I are dating. We fell in love on set of Squid Game and started dating as we were in the middle of the shooting. Although we're not public yet, we love to "play" with our fans. We always drop little hints for them. 

For example yesterday, Y/n commented on my instagram post "You're gorgeous girl😍" The fans went wild. I think the comment has about 3 million likes. We love our fans but it's so much fun to tease them.


"I love you HoYeon" I said as I were resting my head on her tights. HoYeon were sitting there, resting her upper body on her arms leaned back. (AA: I mean just like in the pic) 

"I love you too Y/N" HoYeon said softly in return and bent down to kiss me. 

We drove out to the coast to get away from all the noise in the city. At the coast it's always super calm. No noise except the ocean and the wind, no traffic and no paparazzis. 

HoYeon was stroking through my hair and rested her upper body on one arm as I looked at the ocean. 

I was closing my eyes for short to just enjoy the sound of the ocean and HoYeon's touch. After a time, I sat up and looked at HoYeon without saying anything. 

"What?" HoYeon asked me smiling but confused. I bent foreward and gave her a kiss on the lips "I just wanted to kiss you" 

HoYeon smiled and pulled me back by my chin for another kiss. I placed my hand on her neck and her hand remained on my chin while her other intertwined with my other. 

As we release dour lips, I traced along her arm and cuddled myself close to her. She wrapped her arms around me and we stayed like this.

 At the end of the day, as it was already dark, we drove home with our car. HoYeon was driving and I sat on the co-driver seat.

 "Hey can I post that pic on my instagram?" I asked HoYeon and showed her the picture I took today. She looked at it for short so she wouldn't get too distracted because she has to watch the road. "Yes sure go ahead" she answered me. "The people will go crazy" I said smirking. "As if we don't do that on purpose" HoYeon answered me and as I looked at her, I could see that she was also smirking. Both of us started alghing a bit and I posted the picture. (PIC)

HoYeon POV:

In bed, my back was facing Y/n who was already half asleep. She had her eyes closed but wrapped her arms around me from the back what made me smile.

 I wanted to check instagram before I go to sleep. I scrolled, liked, scrolled and liked before I saw the pic Y/n posted. I liked the picture. Y/n put " at hoooooyeony days off with you are my favorites. My one❤💕" as  caption.

I smiled and thought "I love you so so much Y/N"  

I took a look into the comments section and everyone was crazy.

hoyeonjung.fp: Omg. Can y'all hear me crying??🥺

y/nsqueen: No way! OMG

everythingfory/n: They spent the day together😍😍

squid_games.fp: I'm telling you, there's something going on

laara1880: My babys.❤

Loxox: ❤

sae-byeok-hoooooyeony: Help🥺🥺🥺🥺😍😍😍

......Read 368 more comments....

I smiled because I see so much support for the two of us although our fans don't even have a conformation that between Y/n and me is something going on. I started typing my comment.

hoooooyeony: There's no place I'd rather be than here with you right now❤

My comment got so many replies innert minutes

jung_hoyeon_fanpage: HoYeon really said that🤍🥺

y/neditsssss: Guys "Here with you right now!" It's 12am in Seoul! You know what that means!!😍🥺

sgfpage: Sleepover? 😚😚😚😚

kingluis: They have to be together sleeping side to side right now!😍🤩

I had to chuckle a bit and suddenly heard Y/n say behind me "What's so funny?" I turned around and handed her my phone "Look at all the comments" 

Y/n read them with heavy eyes and smiled. "Aww they're so cute" 

She handed me her phone back and I locked it and put it on the nightstand. I turned around so I was laying face to face with Y/N. I wrapped my arms around her and she hides her face in my chest 

"I love you" I whispered and gave her a kiss on her head. "I love you too HoYeon..." Y/n answered tired and we soon sleep in together.

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