Chapter 47: Free

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It comes in waves, I close my eyes

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It comes in waves, I close my eyes

Hold my breath and let it bury me


Bucky's voice was gentle as he reached out to Alice. "We have a long ride ahead of us. I think now is a good time for a talk." Alice huffed. She didn't want to talk about anything she had done in the past, or Doctor Semenov, or her father being Red Skull. Those awful memories were stored away in her brain, hidden, so she couldn't remember them.

"Alice..." he began softly, putting his hand on top of hers. "I'll start then. I'm sorry for what I said in the Quinjet. It was unfair, and I regret it deeply. I never meant to hurt you, and I'm really sorry."

Alice remained silent, her gaze fixed on the expanse of sky stretching out before them. The memories she tried to bury stirred uncomfortably within her, but she refused to let them surface.

"I know you are," she finally responded, her tone guarded. "And you definitely shouldn't have said that."

Bucky pressed on, his words weighted with remorse. "And about... about what happened in 99, I-"

Alice cut him off, turning to face him fully. "Buck, I've moved past that," she interjected firmly. "I know it wasn't your fault. I know you didn't have control of what you were doing. I know all of that, because I also did bad things when I wasn't the one in control. You don't have to apologize to me for that. There's nothing to apologize for."

Steve sat quietly, silently listening to the intimate conversation between his friends. He wrestled with the urge to intervene, to offer comfort or support, but he remained silent, respecting their privacy. T'Challa was quiet, busy piloting the ship, so everything was silent, except for the two of them. Noticing that Steve was listening, Alice took off her seatbelt and got up. Then, she did the same to Bucky. His cheeks turned red the second she put her hands near his crotch to undo the belt. He knew it didn't mean the same thing for her, but he couldn't stop his feelings for her, feelings that he didn't yet conform himself. Steve watched as Bucky's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at her touch, his own emotions swirling beneath the surface.

"You wanna know what I did when I left you in France, right?" Alie asked once they were in the back of the ship. "I went to Russia and killed Semenov."

"I already knew that," he observed her with an apprehensive look on his face, worried about what was coming next in her story.

"And before I killed him..." she took a deep breath to prepare herself. "He told me who were my parents."

"That's... that's great!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with genuine happiness. "You could go meet them!"

But Alice's response was filled with sadness as she lowered her gaze. "Not really," she confessed quietly. "They're both dead. My mother was a spy from the Red Room. Her name was Olga Petrov and she died of cancer when I was fourteen."

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