Chapter 49: Advice

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Don't you see me I

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Don't you see me I

I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you

And don't you need me I

I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you


A couple of weeks had slipped by since the tension-filled picnic night, leaving Alice and Bucky in a state of awkward limbo. Despite the palpable tension of unresolved feelings between them, neither had dared to touch the subject, opting instead to carry on with their lives in Wakanda has if nothing had changed. To the people around them, their interactions remained the same, with the easy banter and friendship they had always shared seemingly intact. Yet, beneath the surface, a silent struggle raged on, leaving both Bucky and Alice grappling with their own inner instability.

For Shuri, however, the subtle shifts in their dynamic did not go unnoticed. With keen observation, she picked up the subtle changes in their behaviour, though she chose to keep her observations to herself, opting instead to observe from a distance.

"How's Sergeant Barnes?" Shuri inquired casually as she performed a routine wellness check on Alice. Since the procedure to remove the Hydra triggers from their brains, Shuri had made it a weekly routine to check in on both Alice and Bucky, monitoring for any signs of progress or regression.

"Why don't you ask him?" Alice responded shortly, her lips pressed into a thin line. "He should be right outside, waiting for you to do his wellness check."

Shuri couldn't help but smirk at Alice's deflection. "I could ask him, but I would rather hear it from you," she replied, tilting her head to hide her amusement. "You never told me how your romantic picnic went."

Alice felt a surge of frustration bubbling within her as she rose from her seat and sat herself on the edge of the table. "Okay, first of all, it wasn't a romantic picnic," she snapped, her tone sharp with irritation. "It was just a little getaway, nothing more. And second, I never told you how it went because nothing happened. We just talked about our lives and that's it."

Shuri raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. "Okay, girl, calm down," she said, her tone laced with understanding. "I was just asking, no need to get so defensive."

Feeling sorry for her outburst, Alice sighed heavily, contemplating whether to confide in Shuri about what had happened that night. "Am I really gonna talk about my love life with a teenager?" she mused to herself. "Gosh, how I miss Natasha..."

Despite the ache for Natasha's presence, Alice couldn't deny the bond she had formed with Shuri since arriving in Wakanda. When she first arrived, feeling like an outsider, it was Shuri who extended a hand of friendship, drawing her into her world of science, technology, and Wakandan traditions. Their friendship blossomed quickly, with Shuri becoming a confidante, someone Alice could trust. Listening to Shuri vent about typical teenage dilemmas often stirred up memories of a childhood Alice had never experienced, stolen from her by Hydra. Yet, in those moments, she found comfort in Shuri's friendship, grateful for the semblance of normalcy their bond brought into her life.

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