[based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe]
This is the story of Forsaken, a skilled and trained assassin who works for Hydra until she is rescued by Shield. She tries to find her old memori...
Alice and Steve returned to Shield's headquarters with the Strike team. Upon arrival, they both geared up and were promptly directed to meet Alexander Pierce. As they strolled towards his office, they encountered Kate, Agent 13.
"Captain, Onyx," she nodded at them.
"Neighbour," Steve replied, his tony icy.
"Oh, Captain, Onyx. I'm Alexander Pierce," He introduced himself, extending a handshake to both Avengers.
"Sir, it's an honour," Steve replied.
"The honour's mine, Captain," Pierced smiled at him. "My father served in the 101st. Come on in."
Inside the office, Pierce shared a picture of himself and Fury from years before, recounting the events that led to Fury's promotion to Shield director.
"Captain, why was Nick in your apartment last night?" Pierce inquired as they settled on the brown couches. "We already know why Onyx was there and how she was attacked by someone."
Steve shook his head, "I don't know."
Pierced turned to Alice, "What about you, Agent Onyx? Do you know why Nick went to Captain's apartment?"
"No, sir," she also shook her head. "Fury was already inside when I got there."
"Did you know it was bugged?" Pierce questioned. "Yours too, Agent Onyx."
"I did, because Nick told me," Captain answered.
"Did he tell you he was the one who bugged them?" Pierce pressed further. The two Avengers remained silent. "I want you to see something." He activated the screens on the wall, revealing a video of Batroc with a Shield agent.
"Is that live?" Steve asked.
Pierce confirmed, "Yeah, they picked him up last night in a not-so-safe house in Algiers."
While Pierce spoke, Alice found herself lost in thought, recognizing a familiar air about him, similar to Rumlow and Sitwell. Trying to remember any previous encounters, she came up empty. Thinking about the Winter Soldier, she remembered the first time they met. A man wanted them to fight to see if she was ready for the field. And then it clicked – Pierce was that man. But Alice dismissed it, finding it unbelievable that the man who turned down a Nobel Peace Prize could lead such an evil organization.