Chapter 11: Monsters

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We are both monsters but we don't wanna be alone

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We are both monsters but we don't wanna be alone


Alice found herself in a breathtaking place, surrounded by golden beauty. It reminded her of Disneyland. A man with a long white beard, hair, and a black patch on his right eye approached her.

"Lady Alice?" Odin called, "I apologize for bringing you here without warning, but I must meet the lady who melt my son's dark heart."

Confused, Alice replied, "Um, I'm sorry, sir, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, how rude of me," The man started walking down the bridge where they were, in direction to the magical city. "I am Odin, son of Bor, King of Asgard and Protector of the Nine Realms."

The soldier looked at him with her mouth wide open, "Oh shit. I mean, I'm sorry your majesty. I am Alice, um daughter of Miller I think, ex-assassin now turned into Avenger, and vodka enthusiast?"

Odin chuckled, "I know who you are, my lady. My son Thor has told me everything about you and the interest Loki has on you."

Trying to downplay their connection, Alice nervously rambled, "Um, I mean, I wouldn't call it interest. We're not even friends. I actually fought against him, your majesty. I think we're more like acquaintances. Yeah, acquaintances, that's what me and Loki are."

Odin saw through her attempt to distance herself, stating, "No need to lie, Lady Alice." They were already at the entry of the city, only a few feet away from the castle. "I know you and my son Loki have feelings towards one another. He confessed to my wife Frigga he could not wait to lay his eyes on you again."

Blushing, Alice tried to divert attention, but Odin continued, "You must be wondering why I asked Heimdall to bring you here, am I correct?" Alice nodded. "Well, it was actually Frigga's idea to bring you here. She thinks you will be a good influence on our son. Thor also helped convince me as well."

Odin stopped walking once they were already inside of the castle and turned to her, "Do not tell this to anyone, but it pains me to see Loki like this. After all, he is still my son."

"Don't worry your majesty, your secret is safe with me." Alice smiled to the king. "I suppose you're gonna take me to see him."

"And you suppose right, Lady Alice."

"Please, just Alice is fine."

"As you wish, Alice. I must now take you to Loki's cage," Odin started walking at a quick pace, with Alice following closely behind him. "Alice, I must warn you before. You cannot stay in Asgard for very long. You are not an Asgardian; therefore, you do not belong here."

"Understood, your majesty."

They stopped walking once they were in front of Loki's cage, but she didn't seem to notice him. Alice was looking around at the other cages, which were filled with creatures from all the Nine Realms, some of them being very odd looking.

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