Chapter 26: Tremors

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I'm coming back to you

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I'm coming back to you

That day is coming soon

I'm coming back to you


The Winter Soldier pulled out both Alice and Steve from the river. Once on dry land, Alice coughed up water and slowly opened her eyes.

"You saved us..." she whispered, her gratitude evident.

Turning around, Bucky left her and Steve on the shore. "Forsaken..." he mumbled before disappearing once again. She understood – he needed to go. Besides, she wasn't feeling well herself, passing out shortly after he departed.

Two days later, Alice woke up in the hospital, in a bed next to Steve. Sam was there, and a soothing Marvin Gaye song played softly in the background.

"You're awake," Steve greeted her with a smile.

"He pulled us out..." Alice mumbled, recalling the Winter Soldier's unexpected rescue.

"Yeah, I know. I just hope he's okay..." Steve's expression held a tinge of sadness, a sentiment Alice shared.

"Alice, you'll need to testify in court soon," Sam informed her. "They want the details about what happened while you were under Hydra's command."

"What for? I don't even remember everything. That's just bullshit," Alice protested.

"I'm not going," Steve asserted. "And you shouldn't either if you don't want to. Right now, all I need is to go to the bathroom."

"I need to go too. I'm meeting Nat in twenty," Sam added as he stood up. "See you later, Cap and Onyx."

"Yeah, see you later, Sam," Alice waved as he exited the room. Once alone, Steve excused himself to the bathroom.

Seizing the opportunity, Alice quickly removed the IVs and needles attached to her body. Spotting a black backpack with some of her clothes, she realized Natasha must have left it for her. She took off the hospital gown, got dressed and grabbed a pen and paper.

I'm sorry Steve, I love you – Alice

Placing the note on Steve's bed, she slipped away. Fortunately, her apartment wasn't far from the hospital. Within twenty minutes, she was home. Gathering her emergency backpack filled with knives, guns, fake passports, cash, water bottle, granola bars, and burner phones, she prepared for her departure.

"I knew you would be coming here," a voice emerged from the shadows of her apartment.

"Who's there?" Alice, cautious, reached for her gun.

The figure stepped into the light. "Put the gun down, Onyx. It's just me."

Alice stared at Fury for a moment before reluctantly lowering her gun. "What do you want, Fury?"

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