Chapter 9

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Robert's POV

I walk into my bedroom to see my wife in her panties alone breastfeeding my son on our bed.

"This kid really likes my wife's boobies, I'm starting to get jealous." I said while getting in under the sheets

"You just got a whole lot of boobies, you need to share." She grinned

"Ollie I told you, I'm willing to share mama 70,30. I can't to better than that." I said leaning close to him.

When he heard my voice, he let go of his mom's nipple and starting moving and fussing looking for me.

"Hey buddy, I'm right here." I said taking him from Andy's arms

Leaned against the back board of the bed, I raise my knees up and put him sitting on my lower area against my legs. Andy got up and quickly put on one of my t-shirts. She got back into bed and put her head against my shoulder.

"Do you want more?" She asked playing with James' hand

"I do..." I replied softly knowing she was talking about kids


"Yeah..." she said smiling

"But when J is around two, I want him to have his time with us but also I want him big enough to understand you know..." she said

"Yeah that sounds good... you're okay with taking the pill in the time being?" I asked while tickling Ollie

He laughed the loudest we ever heard him, almost falling to Andy's leg

"Yeah I'm good." She said replying to my question smiling

"Great." I said looking at her with a smirk

She shook her head and laugh

Andy's POV

"Take off your shirt, time for J to sleep... it's very late and we have work in the morning." I said softly

Robert took off his shirt and bought James to lie on his bare chest. The bond between my boys is such a special one. Sometimes Ollie is clingy to me but sometimes he wants his dad. Ever since he was born and we introduced the skin to skin, it's  the only way to calm him down or to get him to sleep. He knows our routine too, I would feed him and then he would go by Robert. Everyday he's growing, he'll be four months tomorrow and I can't believe it.

"He's four months tomorrow." I said

"Wow..." Robert replied looking sad

"What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing... it's just that he's growing up so fast, soon he'll be rolling over, crawling, walking, running and scaring the shit out of me." He chuckled

"Yeah it's crazy, I love my boys though, they're very handsome." I grinned

"Yeah you have great taste." He laughed

"Yes I do." I said kissing his cheek

"He asleep I'm gonna put him in his crib." He said getting up slowly and gently


A few minutes later

"You wore me out babe, I'm exhausted." Robert said walking in our room smiling

"You're such a happy person after you have sex you know that right?" I said joking as he got into bed

"I am always happy when my wifey is around."

"You don't seem happy at work..."

"The respect I built with the team before J, went down the drain when they found out and when they saw my soft side. I have to be this way or they will be see me as their teammate's husband not their captain. While I don't mind being their teammate's husband, I am their captain, I am responsible for them. So in order for them to take my orders, they have to respect me."

"I understand love, and to be honest I like this captain Sullivan, he's very sexy... but only at work, it's not sexy at home."

"I know." He chuckled

"Goodnight baby, I love you." I said kissing him

"Goodnight my love, I love you more." He replied before kissing me again.

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