Chapter 40

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Andy's POV

"Do you think the baby is a boy or a girl?" I asked my husband as we were driving to drop James off at Vic and Ripley's

"I think it's a mini Andy..." He laughed kissing the back of my hand

"I think it is a Robert Jr." I grinned before realizing what I said...

"Please don't call our baby what you call my..." He burst out laughing while placing his hand on my belly

"Call my what..." I teased

"The thing you very much enjoyed last night." He whispered in my ear. I chuckled reminiscing about our fun last night

"Dada..." we heard from the backseat

"Yes buddy..." Robert smiled glancing to the back

"Ca!" J yelled excitedly waving his little toy car

"Yes J that's a car." Robert laughed


"Yes baby."


"Yes baby that is a very nice car..." I laughed

At the hospital

"Okay... you know the drill Andy, the gel is going to be cold." Carina laughed

"Yep..." I chuckled

"Okay let's see..." She said while starting to move the wand around my little dump

"Everything okay?" Robert asked noticing the facial expression on Carina's face. She didn't answer...

"Carina..." I said starting to get nervous...

"There is no heartbeat or movement... I'm so sorry..." She said looking up with sad eyes

"Noooo..." I whispered starting to cry

"Come here love, it's okay, I have you..." Robert said choking while raising me up so he can hold me.

"Robert..." I cried into his chest

"It's okay, it's alright, I have you..." he said trying his best to consul himself. I heard the door open and closed indicating Carina left to give us some privacy

"Why does this keep happening to us?" I questioned

"I don't know babe, I don't know..." Robert replied crying...

"Can we go home? I don't want to be in this room anymore..." I asked pulling away

"Yes let's go..." he replied softly before helping me up and guiding me to the door. As we were about to leave Carina ran up behind us...

"Robert, Andy, I am so sorry... let me know if there's anything I can do..."

We couldn't reply... we just nodded and continued to walk out

Robert's POV

The car ride home was silent, we didn't say anything, we just held each other's hand. I texted Luke asking him if they would keep James until a little later but I didn't tell him why.

This is our fourth miscarriage and for some reason this one hit different. We were both so excited, we told our friends, our friends who are also expecting...

Once we got home, we just took off our clothes and got into bed. Andy took out her favorite shirt of mine and put it on while I said in my briefs alone. We got under the covers and Andy placed her head on my chest and intertwined our legs.

"I'm sorry... I keep killing our babies..." I heard my wife's broken voice whisper

"Andrea. Don't say that, you don't kill our babies okay, it is just what is happening to us... I don't know why but it's not any of our fault. Don't blame yourself my love..." I said in a loving stern way

"Are we going to continue trying?" She mumbled

"That's up to you, it's your body. If you feel like you can't take it anymore... we'll stop..." I said knowing that I still would like to have more children

"I want to keep trying... but can we wait a while... I can't handle two back to back..." she replied

"I am completely okay with that." I said kissing her forehead

"We'll have more children okay, I promise... I love you..." I whispered

"I love you too..." she nodded. After a few minutes of a comfortable but sad silence we both fell asleep in each other's warmth and embrace, the only thing that helps us from going crazy...

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