Chapter 45

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1 month later
Robert's POV

It's been one week since I've been out of the hospital. Dr Shepard operated on my leg and successfully repaired the nerve. I cannot let something like what happened in the fire happen again. After the surgery I couldn't be on my leg so it was two weeks of bed rest and one week with a clutch. Andy has been by my side through out my whole recovery, she took care of James, she took care of me and she took care of herself.

Today is Bishop and Carina's wedding and I really want Andy to enjoy herself and have fun and I also don't want to be a burden

"Honey... can you help me with my sock please?"I asked feeling ashamed that I can't even put on my own sock.

"Of course..." she smiled bending down to my feet

"I'm sorry..." I whispered

"For what?" She looked up confused

"For not being able to put on my own sock." I said annoyed

"Robert stop it. I love being able to take care of my husband." She chuckled at her last sentence

"When I become a burden... please tell me okay."I said as she sat next to me on the bed

"You are never a burden love..." she said resting her head in my shoulder and hand on the scar on my leg

"Thank you for taking care of me..." I kissed her forehead

"I will always take care of you." She looked up

"Take care of me how?" I smirked

"Hhmmm let me show you..." she said leaning in to kiss me

"Mommy, daddy..." We heard little steps walking into our bedroom startling us

"Yes baby." Andy said startled while I burst out laughing.

"Stop it." She whispered playfully slapping me and getting up to get James

A few hours later
Andy's POV

"You ready?" I asked Maya while applying the last of her clear lip gloss.

"I really am, Carina is just so amazing and I love her so much, you know." she said with a tear running down her cheek.

"Hey hey only happy tears" I said fighting back a few of my own as we embraced in a much needed hug.

"Let's go before we're late and Carina murders me" Maya laughed.

*The wedding ceremony*

This was it, the first ever wedding to take place at station 19. The place was beautifully decorated by Travis and Vic with small trinkets to make this day more memorable along with the color scheme chosen by Carina and Maya which was crimson red and gold.

It was about fifteen minutes to the ceremony and to say the least Carina and Maya was nervous as hell but with Andy and Robert it was actually quite the opposite, Aunty Miranda and Uncle Warren was looking after James while the Captain and Battalion Chief was looking after some paper work and by paper work they were into a deep make out session, clothes wrinkled and some even on the floor in the Captain's bunk.

"Babe as much as I wanna continue this we should go." Andy looked at Robert whose eyes were filled with lust but they both knew they didn't have enough time to continue

"Fine babe..." smirked Robert as Andy got of his lap and picked up his tie from the floor and placed it around his neck

"Don't worry babe, we'll finish this later..." she whispered in his ear slightly biting on his earlobe making him shiver.

Being content with her actions she sauntered toward the door as sexily as possible. As she opened the door she heard the wedding music playing,

"Robert hurry it started!" Andy almost yelled as he fixed his tie and they both ran to the barn area standing next to Vic and Lucas,

"I hope it was worth it..." Vic laughed

"What?"Andy questioned genuinely confused

"Your neck looks like you got into a fight with a vacuum cleaner..." Vic laughed her comment earning a laugh from Robert.

"Robert I told you no marks!" Andy nearly yelled.

"I guess I can't help it my love, you look amazing" Robert said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Carina Deluca do you take Maya Bishop to be your wife?"said Warren

"I do" said Carina while Maya's face already filled with tears

"Me too!" said Maya giggling a bit already staring to cry.

"Well you may now kiss the bride!" said Warren looking at them both like he was a proud dad.

They both almost immediately wrapped their arms around each other and had their first kiss as a married couple.

Immediately music started blasting through the barn as both Carina and Maya broke apart. Andy almost immediately grabbed Maya embracing her in a warm hug,

"I'm so happy for you Bishop, you've come a long way or should I say Bishop Deluca now" they both laughed returning to the dance floor to join their significant other.

*End of the wedding*

The Deluca- Bishops were now on their way to their honeymoon in Italy for a month, they could barely keep their hands of each other for the reception and with their work schedule and not being able to see each other much recently so to say the least they were both really looking forward to it. Of course Maya had ran it by Andy first since she was the captain to make sure that she could take that much time of and of course Andy said yes almost immediately. Meanwhile at the Sullivan's household the pair had just put James down for the night and was having a glass of wine on their couch

"Baby you know I love you right." said Robert smiling and fidgeting with his glass

"Mhmm I love you too Bobby..."Andy said before she took both their wine glasses and placed it on the coffee table.

"I believe we have something to finish Chief Sullivan..." she whispered and with that the couple gave into their night of enjoying each other's body

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