Chapter 62

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Robert's POV

We made our way to the table where everyone else except Jack was sitting...

"Sir can I ask you a personal question?..." Miller asked

"Um sure..." I replied not knowing what to expect

"How did you know Andy was the 'one'?"

"We were dating for about two months and she came to my apartment... I told her I had plans for us but I actually didn't have any... I just missed her and I didn't want to say it..." I chuckled

"But yeah she came to my apartment... we were watching a movie and out of no where she asked 'Can you make me a smoothie?' I immediately fell in love with her... Every other person I've been with they either didn't like my smoothies or wanted to learn how to make them. But Andrea was the first to ask for one... it may sound stupid to other people but in the moment I knew the kind of person she was and I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with..." I said looking at her

"Smoothies should have been you guys rings..." Travis laughed

"Andy how did you know?" Bishop asked

"Truthfully I fell in love with him the moment I saw him..." she laughed

"Really?" I laughed

"I think so... I automatically felt a connection to you... both physically and emotionally..." she smiled to which I smiled in return

"Why can't I have this kind of love?!" Miller frowned

"One day man, one day..." Ben smiled


"LETS GO, LETS GO!" I yelled getting up from my chair.

"Bye babe, love you..." I kissed Andy quickly and ran down to the barn.

Andy's POV

I miss fighting fires with my team so much... while I love my babies and I want to keep them safe... but I really miss fires.

I made my way down to my office... just nodding at Jack without saying a word. We haven't talked to each other since he called my husband a dick. I don't know how to interact with Jack. It's like I hate him but I pity him at the same time. He became so obsessed with me so quickly and now that it is revealed that I'm married... it doesn't seem he understands that...

2 hours later

*knock knock knock*

"Come in." I said nervously knowing that it is Jack

"Hey..." he entered

"Hi Jack." I said standing up

"Can we talk?..."

"Um yeah sure." I said

"Andy look it's not that I don't like your husband or that I don't respect your marriage... it just seeing you with someone else drives me insane. I'm so in love with you and seeing you pregnant just pushes me over the ledge..."

"Jack stop."

"Andy I love you, I love you so much..." he said walking closer

"Jack..." I whispered taking a step back

"Run away with me..." he stepped closer

"Jack-" I started. Before I can say anything else, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled our heads together bring our lips together. I tried pushing him away, I tried pulling away but he wasn't letting me go. I couldn't get away. I need to get away. I need my husband.

"What the hell is going on in here?!"

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