Chapter 14

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Andy's POV

Today is Robert's and I six year anniversary and I can't believe six years has gone by. I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday.

It was a small ceremony on the beach with my dad, my aunt, uncle, sister-cousin and Luke. It was the most beautiful thing ever. We had a flowered arch at the top then a few white chairs and rose petals everywhere.

We decided that Robert will do the surprising this year so I told him I will do breakfast. I got up and made him his favorite; eggs, bacon, toast with a cup of coffee and a smoothie. He usually makes the smoothies but this morning I tired to remember everything he did and make one for him.

I walked into our room with him still soundly asleep so I took the food tray to the couch. I then made my way to his side and took a seat in the little space it had remaining

"Good morning husband." I said softly before kissing his cheek

"Mhhhmmmm" he turned around smiling while stretching of his sleepiness

"Good morning wife." He grinned while pulling me unto him

"I made breakfast." I said settling into his arms

"I can see that love." He replied glancing at the couch

I smiled kissing him softly

"Can I give you your present please..." I asked with puppy eyes

"How can I resist that beautiful face." He grinned

"Yayyyyy!" I squealed before running outside to get his gift. When I walked back into our room, I saw his sitting with his legs under the covers with the breakfast tray and two gift bags beside him.

"You look very sexy right now." I said smiling

He burst out laughing causing me to laugh.

"Here open mine first." I said

"Okay." He grinned, grabbing the bag from me

"Wow...." He said tearing up. If I told the team their captain cries often they won't believe me. He's such a teddy bear at home. He's my teddy bear.

"You are just so perfect." He said while looking at the engraved watch face with my vows to him.

"Turn it around." I said. On the metal plate behind the watch it was also engraved.

"I love you forever
-A, J"

"Wow..." he said sniffling

"When our next kid comes around, we can always engrave their letter also.

"I love that. And I love you and I love my gift so much. Thank you." He said kissing me between every few words

"Now your gifts..." he said handing them to me

I opened the first gift to find a beautiful dress and a suit of hot red lingerie.

"Wow." I replied smiling

"I love them baby. Thank you." I said kissing him

"You'll wear them tonight, be ready for 7:30 okay?"

"Okay husband." I replied with a smirk

"Come, it's time for breakfast." He said pulling me on top of him, straddling him

"Yum." I replied into his lips before we connected

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