Chapter 71

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The next morning
Andy's POV

"Robert wake up..." I said shaking the log next to me

"No." He mumbled while pulling me closer into his chest

"Robert..." I said starting to get annoyed

"Robert is not my name. How many times do I gotta tell you that?" He mumbled into my swollen chest

"Robert Sullivan..." I whispered into his ear

"Thread lightly Andrea. You want to be able to babysit Lili later..."

"Mhmm" I moaned into his ear while imagining what may happen

"You drive me crazy." He jumped up before placing a deep wet kiss on my lips causing me to want him even more...

"You love me..." I smiled

"Is James still asleep?" He stopped

"Yeah." I smiled mischievously

"You would think after last night you had enough of me but you can't have enough can't you?" He smirked

"Cocky much?" I joked

"Very." He said hinting at his perfect sized member

"Let me see..." I said while pushing my hand under the cover and finding his member

"Oh." He grinned

I began to stroke his member while looking mischievously into his eyes

"You woke me up for sex?" He grinned while trying to contain himself

"I'm pregnant and I have needs."

"Mhm I like these needs..." he said while placing kisses on my neck

"My turn." He said grabbing ahold of my hand and positioning it over my head. He made his way between my legs while I laid on my back.

"Don't move." He said sternly while coming of the bed. He opened his drawer and pulled out the red tie he has.

"Um what are you doing?" I said trying my best to hide my excitement

"I am fulfilling my wife's needs." He said while pulling his boxers down... leaving him naked. He walked up to me, tied my both hands together above my head.

"Robert." I moaned

"Robert is not my name." He whispered sternly into my ear making me more horny. He began kissing me, making his way down my jaw, my neck, my chest, my bump and then my area...

"Mhmmm..." I moaned as he sucked on my clit. He then pushed two of his fingers inside me...

"Robert." I moaned loudly

"Keep it down Andrea." He raised up

"Don't stop." I wined

"You'll be begging me to stop." He smirked while stroking his member.


"" He pushed his member into me catching me off guard

"Do you want me to stop?" He whispered into my ear

"Don't....... stop..." I barely managed to say. He immediately raised back up and began moving faster in me.

After a while of our body's connecting we reached our climaxes...

"Mr. Control do you think you can untie me?" I smirked looking at my hot husband wiping his sweat off

"Hhmmpp..." he smiled while reaching over and untying me

"You can go back to sleep now." I joked

"Ohhhh so you just used me for sex huh?" He smiled while dropping next to me on the bed.

"Great sex if you asked me." I laughed

"Very great sex... and if you didn't remember my love... I have to go into work today."

"Noooo...." I pouted

"I wish I can stay home baby, but you decided to get pregnant so I have to go in." He smiled

" if you didn't get me pregnant then we wouldn't have this problem." I chuckled

"But we wouldn't have these two precious munchkins..." he smiled while kissing my bump

"That's very true."

"What time is Lili coming?" He asked

"Around 5 I think..."

"Okay..." he said coming off the bed "I'm gonna get ready."


1 hour later

"J come dada bye!" I shouted

"BYE DADA!" He ran out of his play room into Robert's arms who threw him up in the air

"Bye buddy." Robert kissed his cheek

"Ouch." J wined

"What wrong?" Robert said concerned

"Your hair." J pointed to his beard

"My beard hurt you?" Robert smiled

"Yeah." James frowned

"I'm sorry." Robert chuckled "Do you want me to shave it off?"

"Um-" I started "I like daddy's beard baby." I frowned playing with James' curls

"I don't know what to do now." He put his free hand on his face

"Gimme a kiss and go to work, we love you." I laughed

He smiled before walking up to me and deep kiss onto my lips. "Bye babe. I love you so much..."

"I love you too." I smiled

"Bye dada." James said as Robert placed him on the floor

"Bye guys." Robert smiled exiting and closing the front door

"Come J let's go drink some smoothies." I said putting out my hand for him

He immediately grabbed onto it "MOOTHIE!" He jumped up and down

"Yes moothie." I chuckled

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