Chapter 60

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Andy's POV

"Andy even though I highly recommend you on bed rest... I can allow desk duty..." Carina said

"Oh thank god." I said relieved

"But only desk duty. No aid car, no fire whatsoever."

"I will make sure of that." Robert said

"Okay great, let me know if you need any paper work." Carina said looking at Robert who nodded in response

She then started to move the wand around the surface of my stomach. Within seconds their heartbeats were found and their bodies were seen on the screen

"Okay so here's baby 1... and baby 2..." she said pointing at the screen

"Wow..." Robert smiled

"I still can't believe there is two babies inside of me..."

"Me too..." Robert said kissing my forehead

"They both look healthy, and growing at the speed that they should..." She smiled

"Oh my god..." I said tearing up

"Wow..." Robert whispered into my forehead while looking at the screen

"We may be able to find out their genders at the next appointment... are we doing a gender reveal?" Carina asked getting excited at the last sentence

"Ummm we haven't discussed that yet and we haven't told anyone yet..." Robert said

"But a gender reveal sounds nice..." I said looking up at him

He immediately took my hint and laughed "We can have a gender reveal."

"Yayyyyy!" Carina and I said in sync

"Can Maya and I plan it? Can Maya and I plan it?"she asked excitedly

"Sure." Robert and I laughed

"But you can't tell Maya until we tell her..." I smiled

"Of course, of course." She giggled

In the car heading to the station

"The team may find it weird that I am desk duty... can we tell them at breakfast?" I asked looking at my husband while rubbing his leg

"You can tell them..." he said softly

"You not eating breakfast with us?..."

"Andy baby... I can't okay... even though they apologized I still can't shake that feeling..." he said looking at me softly

"I wanna punch them." I laughed lightly

"As your Chief I cannot allow that but as your husband you can go right ahead." He laughed

"Thank you..." I chuckled

"How are you feeling?" He asked putting his hand on my belly

"I'm okay, I'm more horny than nauseous." I laughed. He immediately burst out in laughter and with his contagious laugh I couldn't help but follow suit.

"I love these pregnancy hormones..." he chuckled as he pulled into the parking lot.

"I don't..." I laughed

"How about we tell Luke and Vic together and then you can tell the team? Luke and I have a meeting at around 10..." he said

"Yes that's a good idea..." I said taking off my seatbelt

"Okay so once we're finished with the meeting I'll come get you guys..." he said while stretching to get our stuff from the backseat

"Yep sounds good."

Robert's POV

I walked into the beanery to see everyone sitting at the table laughing. Normally when I walk in the laughter stops but this time it didn't.

"Herrera, Hughes. Can I see you both in my office immediately please?" I asked to which they quickly responding and got up from their seats.

Once we made it back to my office I couldn't help but smile...

"Okay Ripley's please have a seat..." I told them as Andy came to my side

"Ummm this is weird..." Vic laughed while they sat

"Robert and I have something to tell you guys..." Andy started

"We're pregnant..." I smiled

"I KNEW IT!" Vic jumped up

"Wait- how did you know?" Andy asked shocked

"Andy your boobs are bigger, you've been having major mood swings and you are hella horny all time..." she laughed

"How do you know-" Andy said still shocked

"I was recently pregnant, I know alllllll the symptoms..."

"Congratulations Sully..." Luke laughed while pulling me in

"Thanks man..." I said

"There's one more thing..." Andy said pulling the ultrasound from her back pocket and handing it to them

"No way!" Luke said realizing

"What?!" Vic asked still confused

"We having twins..." I said

"NOOOOOOO!!" Vic exclaimed

"YESSSSS!" Andy said following her tone

"Oh my god, this is amazing!" Vic said pulling her into a hug

"It is, it is..." I smiled

"We took a while to tell you guys, we wanted to make sure everything is good. But Andy's belly is starting to show so it was only a matter of time..." I said while embracing Andy

"We're so happy for you guys..." Luke smiled

"We gonna have four babies..." Vic said with a puppy face

"We are..." Andy said following her facial expression

"Did you guys tell the team yet?" Luke asked

"We were actually going to do that now..." I said

"We are?" Andy asked looking up at me confused

"Yes, WE are..." I smiled to which she smiled back brightly

In the beanery
Andy's POV

"Team there is something Robert and I would like to tell you guys as our friends..." I said while putting my hand on Robert's back

"I'm pregnant... and I know you guys have heard that a lot over the past few years but-"

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Maya said while hugging me to which everyone followed suit. Embracing me and shaking Robert's hand. Once everyone settled back down Robert spoke

"There is one more thing... she's pregnant with twins."

"OH MY GOD!" Travis and Maya said in sync

"Wow!" Miller exclaimed

"You guys have a history of twins in your family?" Ben asked

"Yeah my cousins are twins..." Robert replied

"I'm happy for you guys." Ben smiled pulling us together

"We're pretty excited... Andy is on strict desk duty until around 8 months..." Robert smiled

"Oh and Maya... your wife volunteered to do the gender reveals..." I laughed

"What! That's unfair!" Vic said

"Um..." Robert looked at me scared

"How about you guys split the responsibilities and give us the bill after..." I said

"We'll split the responsibilities but we're not giving you guys the bill..." Maya said to which Vic and Luke nodded

"But-" Robert started

"No but Sully." Luke looked at home sternly

"FIRE HOUSE BABIESSSSSSS!" Miller shouted to which everyone cheered and laughed.

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