Chapter 41

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Andy's POV

It's been two long weeks since we lost our baby, Robert and I have never felt this broken with a miscarriage before... We knew there was a chance we could lose it but it felt like I was pregnant with James all over again... We were so happy, we were so ready to become a family of four...

Today is our first day back out to work, we took our vacation days because I knew I couldn't face Maya and Vic and Robert knew he could face Luke and we both weren't in the frame of mind to work

"Robert, time to get up..." I said softly while playing with his earlobe

"Robert is not my name." He mumbled

"What is your name then?"

"It's babe, baby, love, honey, husband, hubby and Bobby."

Okay babe, baby, love, honey, husband, hubby, Bobby time to get up." I chuckled. He grinned so brightly, this brightest I've seen in a while

"What time is it?" He asked kissing my cheek


"Mama! Dada!" James screamed from outside of our bedroom door while hitting it with his little hands...

"How is James knocking on our door?" I asked confused

"MAMAAAA!" He started crying. We both immediately bolted out of bed and opened the door to see James standing in front of it with his little blanket and his stuffed monkey

"Good morning little man..." Robert smiled bending to J's level

"Dada." James giggled before smothering his wet lips on Robert's cheek

"James Oliver why you up so early?" I asked kissing his cheek getting in on the action

"Moothie." He replied jumping up and down

"You want daddy's smoothie?" I asked wondering since when he likes Robert's smoothie

"Yes moothie." He replied

"Well let's go make it." Robert replied excitedly before picking James up and placing him on his shoulders

"Robert! Be careful!"

"Andrea it's okay I got him. And Robert is not my name, how many times do I gotta tell you that." He replied looking serious

"Sorry BABE." I teased

"Very well Andrea." He mocked

"You're so annoying." I joked

"You love me." He laughed

"DADAAAA!" James fussed

"Okay okay let's go." Robert tickled him

In the car
Robert's POV

"You okay my love?" I asked while rubbing her thigh

"Yeah... I just- we woke up happier this morning... I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing..." She replied softly

"We will always love our four babies, they will forever be a part of us... a part of you." I smiled softly glancing at her. She smiled back then leaned over and placed a kiss on my shoulder before resting her head on it.

"My dada!" James yelled from the car seat in the back

"Hey don't talk to mommy like that. That's not nice." I said sternly turning around to look at him since we were at a red light. He looked a little scared and shocked before he nodded his head up and down.

"I love you James." I said after a few minutes of him looking sad in his car seat and Andy telling me to make up with him

"Wuv ou dada." He smiled

"Did he just say he loves you?" Andy asked excitedly

"I think he did." I replied realizing what he just said

"Love you J." Andy said excitedly looking back at him

"Wuv ou mum mum." He giggled. Andy's face immediately light up before tears formed in her eyes

"Awww love..." I said rubbing her thigh

"Gimme a five buddy, I'm proud of you." I said taking my hand off of her and stretching my arm to the back before his little hand slapped it

At the station

"Are we telling anyone yet?" I asked as I pulled into the car pack. I am not ready to tell my friend my baby died... I'm not ready for that again so I really hope she says no

"Not yet... please..." she said softly while playing with my beard

"Okay." I nodded before placing a deep kiss on her pink soft lips and heading inside

"I love you Andrea." I said as we approached her door before leaning in to kiss her. She immediately stopped in her tracks and looked up at me

"Why are you calling me Andrea? Are you upset with me? She asked with puppy eyes

"What? No- no no no... Do I only call you Andrea when I am upset?"

"Yeah..." she replied

"Oh baby I'm sorry..." I chuckled

"This is not a laughing matter mister!" She whispered pulling me into her office and closing the door

"You are so beautiful..." I teased

"Don't change the topic." She said cutely

"I wuv ou." I teased before she playfully slapped my chest

"You drive me crazy, you know that right?" She said getting dangerously closer to my lips

"Andrea..." I almost moaned

"Ugh!" She let out frustrated before pushing herself out of my embrace

"Hey, I just love your name..." I said softly walking up to her

"Sorry... it's just my dad always calls me that..." she whispered

"Ok." I replied coldly with the mention of her father



"Come here..." she said while opening her arms

"Gimme a kiss..." she grinned as I walked closer. I immediately kissed her, like I was trying to erase her words about Pruitt

"Mhmm." She moaned trying to catch her breath

"Captain Herrera-Sullivan can I go to work now?" I teased realizing the time

"Yes Chief you can." She laughed

"Alright I love you..." I grinned walking backwards to the door

"I love you too babe..." she smiled while sitting in her captain's seat looking sexy as ever...

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