Chapter 44

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Andy's POV


Another explosion went off but this time the ground shook causing the exit to collapse in front of my husband, trapping him inside...

"ROBERT!" I cried

"Andy let me take J... and we need to get you checked out, remember the baby..." Vic whispered behind me.

"What baby?" I asked completely out of it

"You're pregnant..." she replied confused

"I'm not, we lost the baby." I replied coldly before walking away. I only walked away because I couldn't take the questions and I knew James was in good hands

"LET'S CLEAR THAT ENTRANCE NOW!" Luke ordered in front of me.

"Sullivan do you copy?" He yelled over the radio

"Co- y-" we heard a broken response

"Robert!" I shouted over the radio

"An-dy I'm- o-kay" he radioed back

"We're coming to get you, I love you okay..." I radioed

"I- lo-ve you- mo-re."

"Herrera go get checked out." Luke turned to me

"Chief I can't-" I started

"Herrera that's an order." He said coldly

"Wow." I whispered before walking off

Robert's POV

Right now my leg, the leg that has been giving me problems, is pinned under a beam. I know it is bleeding but soon it may cut of the circulation to the rest of my leg.

My emotions at this moment is all over. I am so happy that Andy and James got out alive but I am pissed off about my leg. Where the hell did that pain come from? And why choose that moment to strike me?

A few minutes later I started feeling dizzy and I knew I was going to pass out and a chance I won't wake up.

"Andy..." I radioed


"I- love you okay, I love James, I love our family..."

"Robert..." she radioed sounding like she is crying

"I am about to pass out... just let me talk..."


"Andy- baby- thank you for being who you are, l- love-" is all I managed to say before I passed out

Andy's POV


"We're almost through!" Miller exclaimed.


"Dad what are you doing here?" I spun around to see my father behind me

"I was listening through the radio..." he replied not meeting my eyes

"Why are you here?" I asked coldly

"I came to be here for you..."

"Well Robert is apart of me, you don't like him, you can't like me." I walked off

"WE GOT HIM!" Luke shouted as they brought out my love on a gurney

"Oh my god." I exclaimed at the sight of him laying motionless

"Let's get him into the PRT immediately!" Ben ordered.

I walked behind them as they made their way to the PRT. I was about to go in when Ben spoke

"Andy you should meet us at the hospital, go in the aid car."

"Okay-" I replied knowing he was right

At the hospital

"We're taking him into emergency surgery, he bled out a lot but there is also a nerve injury to his leg, if we don't repair it, it will cause future damage..." Dr Shepherd said to me

"Okay, this is the first time the pain has affected him so much..." I replied

"Well that's good, we are repairing it early... I should get going... please sign here..." She said pointing to the line on the tablet.

I immediately signed it and handed it back to her

"Okay great, I will send hourly updates for you... and I will do everything in my power to make sure he comes out of the OR alive..." She said touching my shoulder

"Thank you..." I smiled before she quickly spun around and went deeper in the hospital while I made my way back to the chairs and adjusted myself to look at my sleeping son in his car seat...

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