Chapter 51

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2 a.m.
Andy's POV

"Babe your phone..." I mumbled slapping the log of a husband sleeping next to me

"What?" He mumbled confused with his eyes still closed

"Your phone..." I said annoyed

"Mhm." He said turning to get it on the nightstand

"It's Luke." He said sitting up

"Luke. Everything okay?" He said answering the phone

"Alright we'll be there in a bit, sit tight." He said concerned which made me sit up to be alert

Once he hang up the phone and put it back down on the night he turned to me with worried eyes

"Vic fell... they're in the hospital... she's in surgery..."

"Oh my god... is the baby okay?"

"They may need to take her out early..." he said

"Oh no, come on let's go, I'll get James while you organize..." I said kissing his shoulder

"Okay yeah." He replied squeezing my leg in a reassuring way

At the hospital

"Luke..." I said walking up behind him

"Andy." He said bring me into a hug while Robert stood beside me holding James who was asleep

"It's gonna be okay man..." Robert said bring him into a hug

"What happened?" I asked as we sat down

"She got up to use the washroom and the pipe under the sink was leaking and she slipped... she immediately started feeling pain so I decided it was best to bring her to the hospital..." he said looking at the ground

"Yeah that was good..." Robert said in a reassuring way

"The doctors said Vic is okay but the baby is in distress, if she doesn't calm down they'll do a emergency c-section... she's about 35 weeks so it isn't that bad but..." Luke said

"It's gonna be okay..." I said rubbing his back

Two hours later

"Mr Ripley can we speak privately please..." a intern said

"Whatever it is, they can hear..." he said pointing at us

"Your wife is okay but we had to do a emergency c-section. The baby is okay, she's strong, she is in the room with your wife. You can see them now, if you'd like..."

"Thank you so much." He said breaking down

"Go on man, go see your wife and baby." Robert smiled bring Luke into a hug

"Thank you guys so much for coming, but stay, I wanna come back so you guys can see her, so stay, I'll be right back." He said before walking away with the intern

"I'm so glad they're both okay..." I said resting my head on my husband's shoulder.

"Yeahhh..." he smiled into my forehead

"James is looking just like you right now. You both could sleep through a storm..." I chuckled

"Like father like son." He laughed as we both looked down at our son in his arms

5 am

"Andy, Robert meet Lili Valentine Ripley..." Vic smiled turning the baby girl to us

"Oh my god..." I said tearing up

"She beautiful..." Robert whispered touching her little feet

"Congratulations to you both..." Robert said looking up

"Thank you guys..." Luke said smiling

"We wanted to ask you both to be her god parents..." Vic grinned

I glanced at Robert who nodded his head in agreement

"Of course we will be Lili's godparents... she and James are god-siblings..." I said with puppy eyes remembering that Vic and Luke are James' god parents

"Thank you guys for everything..." Luke said

"Happy to be there for you both." Robert replied

"Mum mum..." I heard behind me

"Hi baby, mommy's right here..." I said picking up my sleepy baby from his car seat

"Dada?" He asked looking around for his father

"I'm right here little man..." Robert said softly while coming into James' sight

"Look J... there's your cousin..." Robert said rubbing his back

"Baby..." James said pointing at the baby in Robert's arm

"Yes baby..." I chuckled

"Sorry to be a buzz kill but Andy love we need to get going, we have work in an hour..." Robert said with a sad face

"I completely forgot about work but yes we should get going. Call us if you guys need anything okay." I smiled while Robert handed Lili to Luke

"We will..." Vic smiled

"Dadaaaa..." James fussed in my arms wanting his father

"Come buddy..." he smiled taking him from me

"Alright talk to guys later okay..." I smiled before exiting. Once we left the hospital we rushed home, got ready for work and got James ready for daycare. We then dropped him off and went to work on only three hours of sleep but a happy feeling

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