Chapter 25

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Andy's POV

"What do you think I should do?" I asked

"Babe that's your choice..." he replied lovingly

"I don't know what to do." I said sadly

"It's only a temporary position so if you don't like it or if it's too much you can always give it up..." he said taking my hand

"Okay I'll take it but only if it's temporary..."

"Okay Captain Herrera-Sullivan." He grinned

"Yes Chief Sullivan." I grinned before placing a peck on his lips.

In the barn

"Captain Bishop has been relieved of her duties and will return as a Lieutenant. Herrera will take over temporary..." Luke said

"Why temporary?" Jack asked

"Herrera can you answer..."

"I don't want a captain's position at this moment because I am simply focusing on my family." I said not explaining any further

"On a lighter note... I have an announcement to make..." Luke said while opening his arms to Vic so she can go in. Everyone was confused as to what was happening except Robert and I.

"We would like to announce that we are married and we have been married for a couple of months..." she said interlocking their hands

"What?" Maya asked confused

"We're married..." Ripley said

"Wow..." Travis said softly

"I'm guessing the chief and Herrera already knew." Miller said

We simply nodded in response.

The day went pretty smooth after the meeting and announcement. There were only a few calls mostly for the aid car. Maya tried talking to me throughout the day but I told her I wasn't ready to talk and I wasn't lying. She almost killed me the least she can do is give me some space. We were now home playing with James on the living room floor.

Robert's POV

"Come on buddy, come to dada..." I said clapping trying to get James to walk a few steps away from Andy to me. In that moment he took about 4 steps on his own before falling unto the mat and crawling to me. Andy and I quickly looked at each other shocked, trying to register that our son just took his first steps.

"Wow..." Andy said tearing up as I brought James closer to us.

"Wow I can't believe it..." I said in response

"He's gonna be a year in two months. Where did that time go?" Andy asked in a sad tone

"I have no idea..." I replied while playing with his dark brown curls

"Mum mum." James said crawling into Andy's lap.

"I'll feed him, you put him to bed while I make us some dinner okay." She said leaning against my shoulder while breastfeeding J

"You sure?" I asked

"Yes love..." she replied

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