Chapter 76

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Robert's POV
Two months later

Today is the twins due date and unfortunately I have to work. My leg is fully recovered, full range of movement but I do have a slight limp... nothing that is affecting my daily life but I always have it at the back of my mind...

"Morning 19." I said walking in to the beanery

"Morning Cap." "Morning sir." Everyone replied

*ping* our phone went off


"A snow storm? You got to be kidding me..." Montgomery said

"Okay everyone before we panic, all of you ensure that your loved ones are either here in the station or is safe somewhere. If anyone needs to leave to pick up and come back... do so..." I said

Everyone nodded looking grateful

"I need to go get Andy and J..."

"Go ahead sir, I'll manage until you're back..." Maya said

"Are you sure Bishop? What about Carina?"

"She's off duty so I'll call her and tell her come over..."

"Okay thank you Bishop..." I ran out

I decided to call Andy and tell her to get ready

I'm already packing. She answered

You are one amazing woman you know that right?

Babe hush... hurry up and come pick us up...

I'm coming, I'm already in the car

Good... and Mr Sullivan...

Yes love

Why aren't you wearing your wedding ring?


How many women hit on you today? And don't  lie to me

Uh one in the coffee shop and one in the car park... I said nervously


I love you honey... I laughed.

Love you too... she mumbled

See you soon

See you soon

Within 15 minutes I was home...

"I'm here!" I entered

"Daddy!!!" James ran up to me

"Someone's happy to see me." I picked him up

"I'm going to work with you!" He said excitedly

"Yeah you are." I chuckled

"Hi Mr Sullivan..." Andy walked out smirking

"It's hi husband..." I joked

"I see no ring on your finger so you can't be married..." she grinned

"Ohhh I'm married..." I walked up to her "I'm married to the..." I lowered my voice... "sexiest woman alive..."

"Stop it." She slapped my playfully

"Here's your ring." She smiled

"Thank you wife." I grinned "Come on let's go before the storm starts..."

"Yeah let's go... let me grab the bags though..."

"I'll get it... go in the car." I said walking to it

"I can hold a bag you know."

"So can I." I said picking it up to which she rolled her eyes playfully

I loaded James into his car seat, put the bag in the truck and made our way to the station...

"It feels like forever since I've been here..." Andy said as we entered the station

"It's different without you..." I glanced to her

"HERRERA!!!!!!!" Montgomery exclaimed as we entered

"Montgomery!" She said not quite matching his tone

"You are hugely beautiful..." He smiled

"Thank you..." she laughed

"HERRERA!!!!!" Miller said walking down the stairs


"How are you?" He asked kindly

"I'm okay... tired but okay..." she said

"Dada can I see the trucks?" James asked

"Sure buddy but let's get mommy to my office and then we'll go okay?"

"Okay..." He frowned

"We can give him the tour..." Miller said "Pru is upstairs, they can do it together..."

"Ohh that's sound so cute..." Andy smiled but I noticed she was in discomfort

"Thanks Miller... I'll check back in while..."

"Come James let's go see the trucks..." Montgomery smiled to which J ran up to him. But before he exited he turned to Andy and I...

"Bye mommy, bye daddy." He waved

"Bye buddy." We chuckled

"Come on mama let's head up..."

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