Chapter 57

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Andy's POV

It is now 9 p.m, four hours since Robert left. I haven't heard from him or anything. James is asleep and I am sitting on the couch. I tried calling him, I tried texting him, I even called Luke but he said Robert wasn't by him. He has to work to tomorrow and I think I have to work also because Carina hasn't sent the letter yet. I decided to wait on the couch until he gets home...

3 am

*click click*

I was awoken by the sound of the front door opening and closing. I immediately shot up and saw him. His eyes were tired, his clothes were wrinkled and his right hand was bruised.

"Robert." I said startling him. He immediately turned around shocked to see me

"Are you okay?" I asked pointing at his hand

"Oh now you're concerned about how I feel." He chucked sarcastically

"Really?" I said a little annoyed

"I'm going to sleep." He said walking to the stairs

"You need to shower first."

"You don't get to tell me what I need to do!"

"The hell I do. I am your wife!"

"I don't need anyone telling me what I need to do!" He yelled

"Well then you shouldn't have a wife!" I yelled back out of no where immediately regretting it

His eyes immediately fell, his shoulders dropped and his body loosened.

"Okay Andrea." He said softly with glassy eyes before walking up the stairs.

Once he disappeared I didn't know what else to do so I went and sat on the couch. My emotions became so much that I just had to let them go. I felt as though I was crying for hours but it was only about 10 minutes.

I then decided to go upstairs and try to sleep but when I entered our bedroom I heard the shower running and the door was opened. I went up to the door and leaned against it. His back was facing me but his hands were on the wall in front of him bracing and holding up his body while he let the hot water fall on him.

I didn't think I just slipped off my clothes quietly and made my way into the bathroom. I opened the shower door and wrapped my arms around his chest from the back. He didn't move, he didn't say anything, he just relaxed. After a few minutes of standing and caressing him I spoke

"I'm sorry..."

He then turned around, looked at me blankly and existed the shower not saying anything. He dried off wrapped a towel around his waist and left the room leaving me shocked and a little heart broken. Once I dried off and put on back some nightwear I headed into our room but there was no sight of him and my only guess was he went to James' room to sleep. I decided it didn't make sense I try again for the night because he is really hurt and at this point everything is going through one ear and out the next.

The next morning
Robert's POV

I haven't slept so bad since I was in the marines. James practically laid on me the whole night, his bed was half my size and to add to that I can't sleep properly without Andy. Yes I am hurt and upset but the last time we argued I left home without her and I felt like shit so I am not doing that again.

"James when you're done you will go tell mommy we are in the car waiting for her." I said while sliding on his pants

"Ok." He said cutely

"Go tell mama and meet me downstairs." I said straighten his jersey and guiding him to the door while holding his bag

10 mins later

I strapped James into his car seat and gave him his breakfast to eat while we waited for Andy. After 5 minutes she opened the front door, existed then lock it. She made her way into the car but didn't say anything. From what I saw when she was walking to the car, she is looked tired, stressed and I couldn't help but think it's my fault...

Through out the car ride both of us didn't say a word to each other, we only spoke when James asked us something and when we were telling him goodbye

Once we arrived at the station, we didn't connect hands, we didn't kiss goodbye, I just trailed behind her before she opened her office door and closed it right before her. I then made my way to my office, I settled for a few minutes and then I started to feel hungry so I got up to go to the beanery hoping the team wouldn't be there.

When I entered I saw everyone sitting awkwardly around the table, very silent and different. I glanced at Andy quickly and noticed she is sitting playing with her full bowl of cereal. It doesn't matter how angry I am with her, I love her no matter what and she is carrying my babies so I need to ensure that she eats properly. So I did the first thing that came to my mind; I texted her

You need to eat.

I heard her phone ping off. She immediately took it out of her pocket and when she read it, her face immediately shot up and met my eyes. I just looked at her for a few seconds and ended the gaze by turning around and getting a smoothie. I then began to exist not saying a word to the team.

"Line up in 5 minutes." I said bluntly before existing

6 minutes later

"Due to your disrespect to me last week Fire Chief Ripley has placed a complaint in each of your files. I will not tolerating that kind of disrespect ever again. And the funny thing is, days before that morning, I stood up to someone. I told her, and I quote "You disrespect one of us, you disrespect all of us." But that has all gone down the drain." I said looking at each one of them except Vic and Andy intensely. Once I finished I slid my hands into my pocket and walked off, leaving all of them in shock and what I think embarrassment.

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