Chapter 22

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Robert's POV

"How is she?!" Pruitt asked with the whole team as I walked into the waiting room.

"She is good, they had to remove a part of her liver and she was intubated but she is breathing on her own now..."

Everyone sighed in relief. I was turning around to get something to eat when I heard Bishop speak...

"When can we see her?" She asked

I turned around slowly, putting my hands on my hips and looking her in her eye.

"Right now I am not your former captain or your Battalion chief. I am Andy's husband, and as her husband I am saying you are not allowed to see her unless she asks for you. And that goes for everyone." I said slipping my hands into my pockets and walking away

In Andy's room
Andy's POV

"Are you upset with me?" I asked taking in how angry my husband is looking.

"What?! Of course not..." he said shooting up to my side

"You look upset..." I said sadly

"I am upset but not with you." He said stroking my cheek

I leaned into his hand, embracing his touch.

"I- I- can't lose you Andy..." he said breaking down.

"Hey hey hey, come here..." I said patting the side of the bed and adjusting myself and James who is asleep on me. He made his way to the bed, he laid down resting his head gently on the area between my chest and shoulder. It was visible that he is going through a lot. I can't imagine losing him and I know he is upset with Luke, my father and Maya, I am angry, so angry but my boys need me.

"I am right here love, I am alive okay..." I said putting my hand under his shirt rubbing it up and down. He nodded

"Thank you for being my hero..." I chuckled

"I will always save you..." he mumbled smiling

After a few seconds of my embrace and touch I heard light snores come from my husband. I smiled and snuggled closer to him, pulling James closer and rubbing my cheek against Robert's head.

Two hours later
Robert's POV

I woke up gently and started to get up when I heard a voice

"Where are you going?" She asked quietly

"To the washroom..." I answered stroking her cheek

"Can you get Vic for me please?" She asked with her eyes closed

"Of course baby, I'll be right back." I said kissing her on her cheek

I went to the washroom then I went to the waiting room. I noticed everyone was still there, when they saw me walking in the shot up.

"She's asking for Vic..." I said softly. Vic nodded and walked up to me, everyone else sighed and sat back down.

"Warren, Montgomery would you like to see her?" I asked. I owe them my life, the least I can do is let them see her

"Yes please." Travis answered as the two got up

The four of us made our way to her room, went we entered we saw her sitting up playing with James...

"I know you asked for Vic but without Montgomery and Warren you wouldn't have made it..." I said softly

"It's fine love, I'm happy to see them, thank you guys, thank you so much..." she replied looking at me first then at them

"No problem. Glad to see you are okay" They replied

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