Chapter 10

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Robert's POV

"Good morning kiddo." I said picking up my crying son from his crib. He immediately put his head on my shoulder and cuddled close to my neck.

"Are you okay buddy?" I asked realizing his unusual behavior while feeling his skin for a temperature. Realizing he doesn't have a temperature I said "Come on, let's go wake up mama."

I walked in to my bedroom and sat on my side of the bed. James began fussing again at the sight of his mother.

"Tell mama wake up." I said

"Mama wake up." I said in a baby tone while sitting J on her shoulder

"Mhmmm" she groaned before she turned to face us

"Good morning boys." She said smiling

In the car

*ring ring ring*

"Hey Luke." I answered

"Hey Sully, we got to push the wedding until this weekend... we kinda forgot we had to work today and if all four of us took a day off well that would be suspicious..."

"Okay no problem, just tell us the details when you get it and if you need help with anything let us know."

"Thanks man, talk to you later." He said hanging up

"I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday..." I said while putting my hand and Andy's thigh

"Yes it was beautiful..." she grinned

"Can I ask you something?" I asked glancing at her

"Of course baby..." she said placing her hand on my hand

"Do you think I'm too hard on the team?"

"Ummm I don't think so, they might disagree but we needed a new boss you know, we needed new rules and restrictions and you were the right man for that. You may be a teddy bear at home but at work you are a true captain."

"Thanks love." I said picking up her hand and kissing it

At the station

*ring ring ring*

Noticing its J's daycare I picked up immediately


"Hi is this Mr. Sullivan?"

"Yes it is"

"Hi this is your son's daycare..."


"We tried calling your wife but we didn't get her. James has a temperature and is really cranky. We would like you to come pick him up and maybe get him checked out."

"Okay I'm coming." I said trying to sound strong.

In the beanery

"Herrera can I speak to you privately in my office please?" I asked solemnly in front of everyone

"Yes. I'll be right there." She answered looking concerned before looking at Vic concerned

In the office
Andy's POV

I walk into Robert's office to see his elbows pressing against his desk and his face in his hands. Ensuring the door was locked and the blinds were closed, I rushed over to his side.

"Babe is everything okay?" I asked

"The day care called and said J is sick. I am worried. I knew he was different this morning and I did nothing. What if it's something serious and I made it worse with not paying attention..." he said tearing up and spiraling

"Hey hey hey hey... look at me." I said putting both hands on his cheeks and positioning it to look at me.

"He was good this morning okay... I didn't notice he was different. And it could just be a minor cold he picked up from the day care. Let's go get him." I said getting up from his lap

"Okay." He said still looking down and fidgeting

"Hey you are an amazing father okay, don't ever doubt that. That kid loves the shit out of you." I said squeezing his shoulder

"Thank you babe."

"Let's go get him..." I said

"Let's go..."

In the beanery

"Team, Herrera and I have an emergency we need to urgently attend to, Bishop you are in charge." Robert said

Maya nodded

"Hughes can we talk to you please."

She nodded before walking up to us.

"Ollie is sick, we are going to get him and bring him back to monitor him and maybe ask Warren to check him out first before going to the hospital." I said

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

At the daycare

"Hi, we're here to pick my James Sullivan."

"Of course. We have him right here." She said pointing to a separate room

"Hey J. What's wrong baby?" I asked while feeling his warm skin

"He does have a slight temperature." I said looking at Robert

"Okay let's get him back to the station."

At the station
Robert's POV

We walk into the station with me holding Ollie in his car seat. Vic was at the front desk waiting for us

"Hey is he okay?" She asked worried

"We don't know yet, I think it's a common cold. He has a slight temperature and just isn't himself. I gave him some medication." Andy replied

"We should maybe ask Warren to check him out when he get up." I said

"Yeah." Andy replied

"I'm going to put him in my room." I said softly

"Okay I'm coming."

After putting Ollie on my bed and ensuring that he is secured, I turned to talk to Andy

"I'll be right back okay, I need a minute." I said softly

"Okay love." She replied looking at me worried.

I never doubted my fathering abilities until a while ago. Why didn't I do anything?! I knew he was different! What was I so preoccupied with?! All these questions and I didn't have a answer for any. After a few minutes of staring into the distance, I felt a hand moving up my back and I knew who it was.

"Honey what's wrong?" I heard my wife's sweet voice

"Am I a bad father?" I asked almost chocking

"Robert of course not, you are the best father. James couldn't ask for a better dad and role model. Please don't doubt yourself." She replied softly

I turned my body so that I could lean into her, I rest my head in the crook of her neck so she can embrace me.

"Never doubt your abilities as a father, as a husband or a man." She whispered in my ear

I just nodded as she just hugged me tighter.

Warren checked James out and he suspected it's just a common cold. We took him home, bathed him, feed him, gave him more medication and put him to rest. Andy and I had dinner and went to bed immediately. We were exhausted emotionally. I embraced my wife as we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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