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(Post Devil Civil War)

Bael Clan Territory

Low-Class Devil Holdings

The Bael Clan, the highest ranking devil clan in the Underworld, holds the title of Great King of the Underworld. The Bael Clan is a prideful group of devils, believing that power was everything and how it should be used to rank others. Lord Bael, the leader of the Bael Clan, controls his family with an iron fist, not allowing any of side branches of the clan prosper over the main branch. The headstrong man sowed his beliefs into his followers and they were punished if they didn't agree with his method of rank.

Now, in a small house in the Bael territory holds a family. Inside one of the many rooms sleeps our hero.

Introducing Naruto Bael, a low-class, pure blood devil son of Minato Bael and Kushina Bael.

Suddenly, a ringing alarm floods the room.

*beep* beep* beep* be-

Slamming his hand down on the alarm, a grumpy young Naruto slowly pulls himself from under the covers, revealing his face.

Naruto squinted his eyes as he yawned while running his hands through his blonde-spiky hair that covered his head. He opened his to show the world his marvelous blue eyes, a feature he received from his father. He got up from his bed, showing he was only wearing blue gym shorts for pajamas, and walked to his mirror and grabbed his comb. Childishly, young Naruto tried to comb through his unkempt hair but failed to do so.

"Damn it. Stupid hair." He whispered to himself as he threw his comb back down on his dresser.

After taking a quick trip to the bathroom to brush his teeth, Naruto happily headed to the kitchen where he sees his father, Minato Bael, reading a newspaper while drinking coffee.

"Mornin' Dad!" Naruto exclaimed as he jumped at his father, who almost dropped his coffee onto his son.

"Naruto!" he yelled as caught his son from falling down on the ground. A smile grew on Minato's face, which looked to be carbon copies of Naruto's, as he looked as his sons smiling face. "Good morning to you too".

"Naruto!" a voice from the kitchen yelled, "Stop harassing your father!"

Entering the dining room was the all beautiful Kushina Bael, Naruto's mother and wife to Minato Bael. She was currently in a maid outfit and was bringing in a plate with Naruto's breakfast on it.

"Good morning Mother!" Naruto said with a shining smile on his face, which also put one onto Kushina's face as well. His happiness was impossible to evade.

"Good morning, son." She said calmly as she set his breakfast down on the table, in which he started to gobble down like an animal.

Ignoring the beast that was eating her food, she turned to Minato. "Love, I have to leave now. They want me in early today."

"Alright Kushina." Stated Minato as he got up from his seat and kissed her cheek. "Have a good day."

The family consisting of Kushina, Minato, and Naruto were all low-class devils from the Bael Clan. They were all pure-bloods, but they just ranked low in power. Kushina was a maid for the main family of the Baels, which included Misla Beal and Lord Beal himself, who lived in Bael Castle. Her job was to help Misla Beal with jobs around the castle as well as taking care of castle itself, making sure every room was kept clean. She worked 6 days a week and was called whenever the main family needed her services.

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