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Rating Game Dimension: Swamp Environment

A veil of purple encased Dosu as multiple magic circles appeared behind him, causing Rias to step back a little in fear, "I told you that I would destroy you, and I will. Everyone will see their favorite little Gremory outclassed in every way-then people will realize who the fuck I am! They will see DOSU KINUTA!" he shouted as multiple beams of magic rained down at Rias, signaling the start of a long awaited battle.

Rias summoned her wings and quickly flew off of her small island, which was destroyed by the barrage of magical blast by Dosu created. Some of the beams of magic followed after the Gremory heiress, causing her to create multi-layer defensive barriers to hold back the threatening beams.

The red head heiress gritted her teeth as Dosu's magical beams connected with her barrier. While they did hold strong, blocking any attempt of harm, Rias noticed the amount of power that Dosu put into his spell. 'He's not playing any games...' she thought, sweat conjuring together on her forehead as she continued to hold back the beams, 'If I slip up even once, he'll destroy me.'

Dosu summoned his own wings and jumped off his perch from the trees, dropping down onto Rias and intending on landing a menacing punch to her side. She anticipated his move however and dodged by using her legs to push off of her barrier while flapping her wings to generate more speed. While flying away, she summoned magic and shot multiple bullets of Power of Destruction at the hunchback.

"Not enough to stop me." he said, stretching out his arm. A loud screeching sound filled the area as Dosu created a sonic boom, which canceled out Rias attempt at harming him, "I know all of your little tricks, Gremory. You won't be able to catch me off guard."

'While that may be true, that doesn't mean that he has the advantage.' thought Rias as she continued to shot bolts of her Power of Destruction at Dosu, who was swerving through the assault to avoid being disintegrated into nothingness, 'He knows all of my strengths, but I also know how he fights now. If I can just keep my distance, I'll always be out of range of his sonic attacks.'

Dosu grunted as one of Rias' bolts of destruction grazed his arm, burning through his sleeve and a small bit of flesh with ease, "She supposed to be a long-range fighter, so I guess I have the disadvantage right now." he muttered, blocking the approaching bolts of destruction with a screeching sonic blast of sound, "Time to use something she hasn't seen before..."

Rias ceased her bolts of destruction and looked at Dosu in confusion as he created a white magic circle that hovered over his outstretched arm. She cocked an eyebrow in even more confusion when Dosu threw it magic circle in her direction. Not want to take any chances, Rias shot a blast of Power of Destruction at the circle to destroy, however she was surprised when Dosu pointed his fingers down, the circle following his actions and ducked underneath the PoD bolt. It stopped once it was right underneath Rias once a loud screeching sound erupted from it.

"AAHHH!" Rias screamed in pain as sonic boom hit her. Instead of being blown away though, she took the brute of the attack in the same spot until the attack ended, the magic circle disappearing.

Rias slumped over and started to fall from the sky. Her skin was smoking and burn marks danced all over her skin. She felt weak and her head was ringing from the explosion of sound that forced its way into her ears. She was losing consciousness as she landed into the murky waters of the swamp, not caring that she was drench herself in the disgusting water.

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