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Kuoh – Hyoudou Residence


'I can't feel my arm...' thought Issei as he looked at the sleeping face of Rias. She was cuddling his arm to her chest and looked perfectly comfortable. Issei would have been comfortable (and his perverted mind should have been running rampant), but the events that happened yesterday was filling his mind as he was in debate with himself.

'Did that really happen last night? Did Yuuma really die? And who and what was that lady with black angel wings? Or was it all a dream?'

"Why hasn't Mother tried to wake me up yet?" Issei said quietly as he looked towards his door.

"Because I set a barrier up before I came here." said the voice of Rias, scaring Issei in the process.

"Holy- Oh, you're awake!" Issei said frantically with an akward smile. Rias shifted up into a sitting position and Issei was trying his hardest not to look at her breast.

'Oppai... I want the oppai! I want it! I want it! I want it I wan-

"Are you okay?" asked Rias with a cute head tilt.

"Uhh.. Yeah! I'm just confused on why you are in my bed." 'Nice come back Issei!' he congratulated himself for his quick thinking.

"Well, you were hurt yesterday and I had to come back and heal you." Rias said as she stretched her arms, "So, I brought you back here to heal you."

"Heal me?" he said as he thought back to his dream/unknown-reality. "If that's so....then what I think that happened...actually happened."

"Correct. You were attacked and killed by a Fallen Angel yesterday." said Rias. "I found your body and resurrected you into my peerage."

"Wh-What? What do you mean?" Issei asked.

"I am a devil." said Rias as she summoned her devil wings.

"Woah!" shouted Issei as he fell out his bed in surprise. She had devil wings! Like...Devil wings!

Issei took in a few breaths before continuing, "You mean... devils that steal human souls?"

"Yes, but devils don't resort to such measures anymore." Rias said as she crossed her legs as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Ok..wait..." Issei said. "So you brought me back to life?" getting a nod from Rias, he continued, "How did you do that?"

"High-class devils, like myself, have the power to revive the newly fallen by using our Evil Pieces." said Rias as she summoned her remaining [Knight]. "Based from the game of Chess, devils can resurrect those who have recently died by using our Evil Pieces to reviving them into our peerage."

"So..I'm a [Knight]?" he asked.

"No. You are my loyal [Pawn]." She said.

"A pawn!" Issei dejected. "So I am weak..."

"Not true." said Rias as she crossed her arms over her chest. "While [Pawn]'s are usually weak, you, Issei, took up all eight of my pieces." She said.

"Really? So I am actually strong?" he said with hope.

"You have the potential to be strong, a level I hope to help you achieve soon." She explained.

"So that means that I'm a devil?" he asked.

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