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The Next Day

Location: ?

The moment he became conscious, the blonde Bael felt the sting of the splitting headache he had. He internally groaned and scrunched his eyes in pain. He rubbed his forehead as if it were to ease the pain but was slightly thrown off by the feeling of bandages tied around his forehead.

'Wha...' Was Naruto Bael's first thoughts as he felt his back laying in what felt like a cloud of feathers. His head was resting comfortably in what he assumed a pillow, meaning he was laying down in bed.

Naruto opened his eyes, greeted to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling. The ceiling to his room at his house was all white, but this ceiling seemed to have a more tan-ish tint to it. The sight only added to the Bael's confusion but brought out of his thoughts when a familiar voice came from his right.

"Glad you're awake, master."

"Or-Orochimaru..." said the Bael with wide eyes as he stared at his only [Pawn]. Said [Pawn] was sitting in a chair next the blonde's bed in his usual attire-one leg crossed over the other. Naruto could sense that the pale man was worried from him, but he didn't seem to be in any distress. "What...where are we?"

"We're at the Asakura Compound." Said Orochimaru as he helped his [King] sit up, is back now resting on the bed's headboard, "I assume you remember what happened that put you in this condition?" he said with his usual raspy voice.

Suddenly, all the memories of their battle against Honest and the battle he had with his peerage while being controlled by Loki's curse came flooding back to the blonde. His eyes widened as he looked at himself-dressed in a white robe with bandages wrapped around various places. He could feel there was quite a bit of bandages wrapped around his right shoulder and his lower back. His body felt weird, but it was far from what he felt during the Rating Game. He could breathe easier and he regained mobility in his body as he moved his fingers. He winced as he rolled his shoulders-the injury on his right shoulder from Esdeath's ice burning in aggravation.

"Gaahh..." he groaned, "That hurts...hehe...."

"You were in such a critical condition when you arrived here." Explained the snake man, "Thankfully, the Asakura came through during our time of need. Had it not been for them, there's no telling what would have happened once you were brought out of the pocket dimension."

"Wait..." said Naruto in confusion, "Did you know the Asakura's were coming to our help?"

It was then that Orochimaru frowned, disappointment flooding his body. "Ye-yes, master. As you know, I was rendered unconscious while battling you. I woke up thirty minutes after the Rating Game started, so I was able to watch most of it...." Orochimaru then stood from his seat and bowed Naruto, "Please.... forgive me for being so incompetent. I couldn't help you or the peerage when you both needed me the most. I failed at being your [Pawn] and your advisor in such a critical moment. Had I been stronger, I would have been able to fight in the Rating Game and assisted the others...which could have resulted to less injuries on our side...truly, I don't deserve to be member of this pe-

Orochimaru was cut off as Naruto placed a comforting, bandaged hand on his shoulder. "Orochimaru, you a far from incompetent." Started the Bael, "You are a great [Pawn], advisor, and member of my peerage. I'm thankful every day that someone as talented and smart as you would decide to join someone as weird and dysfunctional as me. I still wonder why you do 'till this day!" he said with a cheeky laugh, "But don't beat yourself up too much. We were in the disadvantage and didn't even know. What happened isn't your fault."

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