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The Next Day

Naruto's Peerage House

"You go in there, cause I'm not! I like my life!"

"Aren't you always talking about how strong you are, nya? Go prove it now!"

"Get the rookie to do it! I'm not going in there for nothing!"

"Yosh! I would do it..... But I just remember that I have to extra push ups today!"

"Oh no you don't!"

Kisame, Kuroka, and Lee were outside their [King]'s door, debating on who was going to wake him up for the day. Everyone in the house was shocked about what happened yesterday evening at the end of Naruto and Hao's battle. The brutality that Naruto used to punish Hao was very unnerving and they were wary of their [King] now. Even Kuroka, who has spent the most time with Naruto, didn't recognize the man they saw yesterday. It scared her that Naruto was debating about killing Hao before he was convinced not to.

Kisame grabbed Lee's collar and pulled him back towards them "Listen, you need to pay your dues and go in there now! I'm not going in there because I'll say something stupid like 'Damn Naruto, got all those needles in your arm-you a crack fiend now?' and then he'll shoot me up with that red magic-destruction shit!" the shark man cried out.

"Well, why can't Kuroka-sama do it!? She's known Naruto-sama the longest!" Lee said in his defense.

"Because, Lee dear, I don't want to do it. As your [Queen], I demand that you do it, nya." Kuroka said with a playful pout.

Lee was looking back and forth at Kuroka and Kisame, trying to find an escape route to his predicament. His eyes lit up in happiness when Orochimaru stepped out his room in his usual tunic. "Orochimaru!" Lee ran over to the snake man in a blitz of speed "Good morning to you! You look well!"

"Good morning, Lee." Orochimaru said in his usual raspy voice. He raised an eyebrow at the young martial artist. "Is there something you need from me?"

"YES!" shouted Lee "Can you wake up Naruto-sama for me? It would really mean a lot to me."

Orochimaru looked over at Kuroka and Kisame, who were looking at Orochimaru with hopefulness. "You are Naruto's advisor, nya. Maybe you should wake him up!" said Kuroka with an accusing finger pointed at Orochimaru.

Sweat rolled down Orochimaru as he looked at the closed door to his master's room "Oh..Uh..I just remember that I have to get to the school early today..."

"It's Saturday, dumbass!" said Kisame with a laugh "Now go do your job, Mr. College Advisor! HAHahah!"

"I have student organization work I need to handle!" Orochiamru said quickly while summoning a magic circle "Good day."

"The legendary Orochimaru, reduced to this." said Anna as she opened the door to her and Yoh's room. She was dressed in her usual blue short dress with her 1080 beads around her neck and red bandana over her hair. "I'll do it. I need to talk to Naruto-sama anyway."

Everyone cleared the way for Anna to approach and knock on the door quietly "Naruto-sama, I'm coming in." when she didn't receive an answer, she opened the door without any hesitation and entered his room, closing the door behind her.

Everyone in the hallway looked at the closed door in disbelief. Anna really went inside.

"Damn." said Kisame while rubbing his chin "That girl has balls...hehehe.... 'Has balls'! Ha! I'm hilarious."

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