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A Week and a Half Later – A Day Before Rating Game Against Honest Bael

Bael Territory – Naruto's Peerage House




.....-"Yes...I love you too."

"Yes...I love you too."

"Yes...I love you too."

"Yes...I love yo-"

"Mhrg.....Aaaaahhhhh..." yawned one Yoh Asakura as he stretched his hand to his blaring phone to cut off the alarm. Grabbing the device, he unlocked it with a touch as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Another day..." he grumbled as he lazily started to scroll through a Devil-social app to start his day off.

He made sure not to disturb the body his right arm was wrapped around as he began his scrolling, reading the news headlines with swiftness before liking a few cat videos he thoroughly enjoyed and checking to see if any albums had dropped while he was sleeping. "I'm starting to like that Lizzo girl..." he mumbled to himself as he swiped past a picture of said person, "She's nice...and her music's good...the Lakers are doing pretty good..." he said as he continued reading his timeline, "Not really into sports, but I know Kisame likes them...hmmm...I should go back to Los Angeles to go pick up that Popeye's sandwich I keep hea-"



Yoh's entire body jumped with a start at the sudden sound of the body laying next to him. "A-Anna! You were a-awake?" he questioned after he recovered from his shock.

The person laying next to him slowly rolled over to face him. He was greeted to the sight of the dull-blue eyes of Anna Kyoyama, soon to be Anna Asakura, as she stared at him with annoyance. Her usual red bandana she wore was off, showing off more of her lustrous blonde locks that circled around her cute face. However, all that attraction her physical appearance had was used to weakly glare at her fiancée, causing the dark-haired man to feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Why do you still have that horrendous audio set as your alarm tone? And why are you talking to yourself?" she asked/demanded for an answer, "You do this every day and I keep telling you to stop."

"Uhhhh..." sweated Yoh as he made sure to hold his phone away from Anna, just in case she tried to snatch it away from him, "I like it. You rarely show emotion, so I had to keep it as an alarm, hehe?" he chuckled awkwardly with a head scratch, "And you know how I talk to myself a lot when I'm on social's just so much interesting stuff online..."

The Asakura male heard a light-growl emit from his fiancée, causing him to tense in preparation of a scolding. However, he was surprised as Anna ditched her growl for a sigh, releasing a long, stress-filled breath of air, before leaning in and pressing her lips to his own for a quick morning kiss. "Good morning..." she whispered after pulling away before quickly rolling her back to him to hide her slightly red face.

"Uh..g-good morning..." he stuttered back, "Do you want some breakfast? I can make breakfast."

"....toast....with butter..." she answered after a few seconds of silence.

"Alright." he replied, pulling the covers back and sliding out of the bed, "I'll go get that for you."

"Wait..." said Anna, causing Yoh to stop what he was doing, "Did you set the alarm for tomorrow?"

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