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Kuroka was walking through the ballroom, trying to locate Naruto. She already had his signal pinpointed thanks to her Senjutsu but getting through the massive crowd was her main struggle. It was getting close to the end of the party and she had finished her time with Rias and Sona. The rest of her peerage allies were off busy, so she decided to regroup with the blonde. She still hadn't got the chance to dance with Naruto and she wanted to do something knew. She especially wanted to show off in front of all the women that had been eyeing HER Naruto all night by dancing with him publicly. 'I guess they've forgotten that he's mine, damn it!'

"Is that who I think it is?" Kuroka's cat ears shot up as the voice of her ultimate rival filled her head. "Oh, my Lord, it is! It truly is!"

Before Kuroka could fully turn around, she was captured in a heavenly hug by Gabriel the Seraph. "Oh my! You've gotten so big! And you look beautiful!" stated the Angel, "It's so good to see you!"

"Uhh...h-hi, Gabby..." stuttered the cat, a little uncomfortable with her current situation. This was Naruto's ex and the women she hated for a very long time, after all. "It's...uh..good to see you."

"And you as well! I was just catching up with Serafall-san here-" Now that really put Kuroka on edge as Gabriel motioned to the Leviathan-sama behind her, "-and we ran into you! Oh, I've heard you've gotten together with Naru! That's so great!"

"Yeahh...." Kuroka stared at Serafall with intensity. It was another one of Naruto's exs, and she hated Serafall a hundred times more than she hated Gabriel. Serafall felt the intensity from the cat and found an interest in the ground, avoiding eye contact with the Nekoshou, "We've...we're not together-together, nya....just testing the waters."

"That's just fine. I'm really happy for you two." smiled Gabriel.

"Really, nya? You aren't...mad?"

"Why would I be mad?" asked the Angel, "I would never be mad at two friends finding love in each other! Naruto and I had our time together, and while I truly did love him, we wouldn't have worked because of our beliefs...but I know that you two can work!" said the excited Angel, clasping Kuroka's hands into her own, "You two...have gone through so much together...and if you are 'testing the waters' as you say you are...then that mean you have genuine feelings for him, right?"

"Right, nya." Kuroka immediately answered in assurance.

"Then I know that you are the one that can take care of him...and heal the damage in his heart that I couldn't." she said with a true smile, "I am really happy, for the both of you."

"...T-thank you, nya." Said Kuroka with a wag of her tails. She honestly was expecting such kind words from the Angel. Gabriel's speech made the cat girl question if disliking such a pure heart was even worth it. "That really means a lot."

"And I'm sure Serafall-san thinks the same, right?" asked Gabriel, pulling the Leviathan into the conversation.

Kuroka heated stare caused a bit of unease to grow within the Satan. The last time she interacted with the [Queen] was when she talked to Naruto at their house in the Bael Outskirts. Back then, Kuroka threatened Serafall to never hurt Naruto again before going to talk to him and that same threat ringed in her mind as the cat's golden orbs hid the amount of anger and hatred in her heart.

Nevertheless, Serafall wasn't there to start a fight-the opposite, actually. "I do....I honestly do..." she began, staring Kuroka in the eye as she continued, " a very special person and I abused his the person that helps him. I messed up, but you can do it. Thank you for taking care of him and.....give him the love he deserves and I'm sure he'll return it."

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