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Two Days Later

Kuoh Academy

"Whew! Finally finished!" shouted Yoh as he took in a few deep breaths. He finished his route that Anna forced him to run every day and was taking a break right in front of Kuoh Academy's school gate. "Sigh... now I've gotta deliver that message... I hope the school won't mind me walking on campus with my tracksuit on..."

A light bulb went off in Yoh's head. "Oh yea... I can just do that...." he said as he walked into a secluded alleyway...

Yoh walked back on campus with Kuoh boy's uniform, only he had his uniform shirt open, similar to how Issei has his open, with an orange shirt beneath it. It was the end of the day and students were filling the school grounds, so he tried not to bring any attention to himself. However, that didn't work at all as his headphones and orange shirt stood out in the big crowd of people and a lot of people were looking at him.

"Is he a new student?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him around before..."

"He's cute."

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend."

"He's wearing sandals. That's weird."

"Maybe I should introduce myself~"

'I've got to get out of here.' Yoh said with a panicked face as he started to pick up his paste. If Anna were to find out that one of the girls here approached him, he wouldn't hear the end of it.

The pathway to the Old School House was clear once he was out of the main school yard, but he made sure to check his surroundings before entering the building, hoping that there weren't any crazy girls following him.

"Sigh... I'm glad I don't go to school anymore." said Yoh as he closed the door behind him. He remembered the layout of the Old School Building from the last time when his master's peerage had to come here for the Rating Game against Riser Phenex.

Forgetting any proper way of entrance, Yoh opened the big doors which led to the Occult Research Club's room of gathering "Ehhh, anyone home?" he asked as he stepped inside."

"Yoh?" Issei said from his position the couch. All eyes went to the Asakura as he scratched his head awkwardly.

"Uh, yup! What's going on, Issei?" he said as he made his way in.

"Great, but what are you doing here?" asked Issei asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, and why did you barge in here without telling us you were coming?" Rias said with her eyebrow twitching. It was like everyone from that peerage didn't respect her and Sona's territory at all.

"Uhh... hold on." said Yoh as he reached inside of his pocket and pulled out some note cards. "Alrighty here... ehem... Rias Gremory, a.k.a. the Princess, a.k.a. Mrs. HIV-"

"Mrs. HIV!?" shouted Rias as she slammed her hand on her desk "Is this some type of joke!?"

"Ah! I see... Kisame wrote that on the note card, see?" said Yoh as he pointed to the note card "When he called you and Akeno 'prostitutes', he came up with the nicknames 'Mrs. HIV and Mrs. STD'."

Lightning crackled around Akeno as she started laugh evilly "Fufufufu, maybe we should pay Mr. Kisame a visit~"

"We should." Rias growled.

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