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TheConfrontation[Part 1]

The Next Day

Naruto's Peerage House

Anna yawned and squenched her eyes from the sunlight coming in through the window. She rolled over and grabbed one of the many pillows on the bed and curled up around it, bringing her knees closer together and slowly falling back to sleep as the comfort of the bed was like a spell to her. It was quiet in the room, she noticed, but she was too tired to voice her opinions on it.

She went back to sleep for a while, losing herself from the tiredness she felt for some unknown reason...

"I don't care, Anna..."

Anna's eyes snapped open and she jumped up, looking at her surroundings, "Yoh!" she yelled. She noticed that she was back in their room, but he was nowhere to be found. Panic started to fill her being as she gripped the sheets to her bed, "Wh-where are you..." she muttered to herself, trying to concentrate on Yoh's magic, but her thoughts where to rampant in order for her to zone in on her sensory powers.

"This shit is finna be gooooddddd!" Anna's head snapped to the door when she heard voices outside of the bedroom, particularly Kisame's, "Go ahead and let me get one of them waffles right there! That syrup on that golden waffle of greatness is calling my name!"

"No, Kisame." Anna knew that voice by heart. Her fiancée, Yoh Asakura, was right outside the door, "This is for Anna. I'll make you some later on. Let me have this moment with her."

"Is this how you seduce her into sex? Waffles? Well shit...I'm gonna have to take some notes then because you're always mellow and act like you don't care about the world...You must be getting hella puss-

"Okay, Kisame! I'll see you later!" said Yoh, pushing through the door with a tray in his hands.

"Yoh?" said Anna questionably. She saw the tray of food Yoh had with him, but she was wondering where he got it from. Yoh was a terrible cook and she knew this from past experiences she wishes she could forget.

"Good morning, Anna." he said with a smile and walked to her side of the bed with the tray filled with breakfast foods, "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes...but I don't remember much after I came back to you at on the rooftop of the restaurant." said Anna.

"Well, after you finished crying, you fell asleep in my arms, so I brought you back here and we went to bed." he explained, "Your horn receded when you went back to sleep, but I made sure to keep you away from any prying eyes because I know you don't like it when other people see you asleep or sleepy."

She nodded and allowed him to place the breakfast tray on her lap, "But what is this for? You can't cook."

"I've been practicing." he said while summoning a pitcher of orange juice and two glass cups. He poured her a cup and handed it to her, "We didn't finish our date last night, so I thought that I could do a little something special for you."

"But why?" she asked.

"Why not?" his answer actually surprised her, "You're my wife. Why wouldn't I do something special for you?"

Anna stared at Yoh's smiling face for a while before grinning at him herself, "You're too nice to me."

"Eh, just don't expect this all the time. It was hell trying to cook this mess!" complained Yoh with a huff, "I had to go to the store for more eggs because Lee keeps eating them raw and not telling anyone, and I know Orochimaru has been stealing them for sure. He hasn't admitted to it yet, but I just have the feeling that he steals the eggs too. Then, the store wasn't open, so I had to go to the convenience store to get the eggs, and they cost a waayyy more than they should! I'm not a cheap person, but the eg-" Anna used her hands to close Yoh's mouth shut and closed the distance between the two and kissed him.

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