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A week later...

Location: ?

Entei Bael was not having a good day.

The main reason for that....he was currently running for his life.

The dark-blue haired Devil that looked to be in his late thirties ran through the forest he was in with evident fear in his eyes. His tattered black and blue robes flayed behind him as continued his run with no clear destination. All he wanted was to be safe.

'Why is he so powerful!? And why doesn't my Power of Destruction work on him!?' he screamed in his head as almost tripped over a thick tree root protruding from the ground. He was bleeding from various places on his body as he ignored the pain in favor of getting away from the monster that injured him. His right arm wouldn't respond to any of his mental commands, and the blood dripping from his head started to mess with his vision as he navigated through the deep forestry.

The ground suddenly rumbling caused Entei's fear to spike as he increased his speed. 'Everybody's gone...I'm the only one why am I running instead of fighting! The Bael Council doesn't run! Am I really overridden with fear that I've now turned into a coward?'

The rumbling grew stronger, closing in on the retreating Bael. Entei, out of fear, decided to look behind him to see what was coming...

A mistake of his that made his heart drop...

Protruding out of the ground was a foreign object that was wrapped in bandages. It pillaged through the earth as if it were swimming through it like water, reminding Entei of a shark fin as the enemy below closed in on its prey.

Entei shrieked as the objected sped past him and cut him off. The Bael Council member watched in fear as a hand stuck from out of the ground before the body trapped underneath sprouted from the ground, revealing Kisame with a murderous grin as he gripped Samehada's handle. "Thought ya was gonna get away, huh? Not today, you little Bael shit."

Entei's quivering hand was coated in his clan's legendary Power of Destruction before shooting a bolt of it at the tall [Knight]. However, his eyes widened as Kisame shifted Samehada in front of the bolt and absorbed it all, thoroughly shocking the man. "A-again...." he muttered, slowly taking a few steps back, "How can you absorb....such potent power?"

"You're not the first person I've fought with that damn cheat code..." grinned Kisame as he marched towards the man, "You Devils are so weak...Demons have stronger bodies and our magic is hella more chaotic...It took some time and almost dying a couple times, but I've learned the trick in countering that red shit..."

Pointing the tip of Samehada at Entei, revealing the magic circle on it that was beaming with power, Kisame's smirk grew even large as he said, "Ya just gotta get rid of the shit before it eats your insides!" he laughed as he shot a point-blank range blast of blue magic into Entei's stomach, sending him flying.

The Bael coughed up blood as the impact of the blast shot him through multiple trees, which didn't do anything to stop his flying body. He was saved from smashing into another tree as his body landed roughly on the ground, skidding on the surface before his back impacted against the trunk of another tree.

Entei's vision was hazy from the intense beating his body had gone through during his one-sided fight against Kisame. The blue-skinned Demon had bested him in every area, playing with him for most of the fight while racking on damage onto him.

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