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Two Days Later...

Naruto's Peerage House

"Wheewweee....I haven't slept like that in a while..." yawned Kisame, walking down the stairs in nothing but his purple boxers. Behind him, Samehada lazily rolled down the stairs on its side, too tired to shuffle down them like it usually would. "And now for the best way to start the day off: orange juice." he mumbled, scratching the small, unshaved hairs on his chin as he made his way to the kitchen-specifically, the fridge.

Opening the large fridge, Kisame grunted as he pushed through all of Lee's protein shakes, Kuroka's various cartons of milk, and other package goods for all of the Devils in the large household. "There she is..." Kisame said with a grin as he retrieved of his orange juice from the back of the fridge.

Slamming the door of the fridge shut, Kisame, with his living sword following him, exited the kitchen and entered the living room. "Oof!" he said as he jumped into his recliner. Samehada, using its scales, climbed up the sides of the chair and sat on Kisame's lap.

"Good girl." he said to his sword and used its body as an arm rest. Unscrewing the top of the orange juice carton, Kisame took a few gulps of the liquid with satisfaction. "Ahh! Damn, that shit is good." he said as he grabbed the remote to the TV, "Hopefully their talk about something interesting today..." he said as he turned the TV on.

"-and he think that he can just take over the damn Underworld just by fighting the Bael Council!" shouted a blond haired woman, "Well, I call bullshit. While there are things that could be fixed in the Underworld, we're going to give a man that disappeared for over 500 years and wears jeans at high-class functions the most powerful position in the Underworld?!"

"It's not like we can do anything about it, Tomi." said a tan-skinned man man sitting at the large desk with her, "This is Bael Clan business. The Satan's can't get involved nor can any of other Noble Devil Clans. Not even URGA, the Underworld Rating Game Association, has any control towards the rules of the match with Naruto Bael and his first opponent, Bianca Bael. They've only been giving permission by the Bael Clan to film their fight as a means to publically humiliate Naruto Bael if he loses-

"And I hope he does!" she interrupted rudely, "Looking at everything he's done, Naruto Bael is a selfish, unworthy, insanely stupid, and a unfit member of this society that Devils have worked so hard to make! All this cry about him being an inspiration to Low-Class Devils...if I was a Low-Class Devil, I'd ask myself what has Naruto Bael ever done with for me? The answer is nothing!"

"Nothing but express his frustrations about how Low-Class Devils have been treated?" asked the man, which garnered a applause from the audience, "Like, every time he interviews after a Rating Game, he says that he does it to show that Low-Class Devils can become even stronger than High-Class Devils given they are supported and in a healthy environment, something some Devil houses don't provided to their peerage members and servants. And, not to piss on everything you've said, even though I'm going to anyway because I'm that type of guy, but he has half the Underworld backing him in his efforts to overthrow the Bael's."

"Then half of the Underworld are idiots." said Tomi, getting a collective gasp from the audience, "Trevor, you do realize that if he loses ONCE, it's over for him. The Bael's will literally kill him under the act of insubordination and hurting the clan...THE BAEL CLAN!"

"Sweet Lucifer, woman. How can you be so loud?" said Trevor, rubbing his ringing ears from Tomi's voice, getting another round of laughter from the live audience.

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