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Night Time

Lilith Coliseum – Naruto's Suite

"Hmm...Seems like the coliseum is closing for the day..." muttered Hao. He was standing in front of the window and was looking down at all the devils that had stayed for this long. They were all heading out to for the exits since the projection of the Devil Exams was cut. "Time to head back home.

"At least we don't have to cook for ourselves. They feed us well here." said Naruto with a chuckle. Both Gabriel and Kuroka had gone to sleep on Naruto, with Gabriel sleeping on his right shoulder and Kuroka resting her head in his lap. "I don't wanna wake these two up though..."

"Tell them to get they asses up before they kick us out!" said Kisame as he stood up from his recliner a stretched out, "Damn, today was a good day...ate hella food and watched the rookie put in work."

"Lee's doing very well in the tournament. So far, nobody else has forced a retirement except for him. I pray that he stays in his cabin for the night. He doesn't have any reason to risk it all and go try to get his own Phenex Tear." said Orochimaru. He was sitting on the couch to the right of Naruto's, "He needs to rest up."

"Knowing him, he'd probably go check out the Rainforest Environment just to see what's going on." said Yoh with a yawn, "If I were him, I'd sleep in that cabin until the time ran out."

"Of course you would. You're lazy." muttered Anna.

"So true..." Yoh said with another yawn.

"Yo...Gabriel...I gotta get up..." whispered Naruto to his seraph friend as he hesitantly wiggled his shoulders, not wanting to cause too much discomfort. Gabriel whimpered a little in her sleep before slowing opening her eyes with a yawn, "Wa...what's going on?" she asked.

"The exam is over for the day...or at least, they're over for us." said Naruto, "It's time to go."

"Oh..." she said with another yawn while stretching out her arms, "Before you go, I want you to meet somebody, Naruto."

"Really?" said a curious Bael, "Who?"

"My brother, Michael, leader of the Angles." she said with a smile as she stood up from the couch, "I know you saw him during the Three Factions Meeting, but I don't think that you two have formally met."

"Uhh..sure." he said with a shrug as he carefully lifted Kuroka's head and scooted from under her. After making sure his [Queen] was comfortable, he stood up and grabbed Gabriel's outstretched hand. "Lead the way."

Kisame chucked as he watched the duo leave the room, "So he's meeting her brother? Ha! I didn't know they were so involved with each other."

"And it's real obvious that they like each other." said Yoh with shrug. He frowned when he glanced over to the napping Kuroka. "I feel bad for Kuroka though. It must suck for her to see all of that when she loves Naruto-sama..."

"Who knows? Maybe he'll nab 'em both!" laughed Kisame, "There ain't anything stopping him from doing that."

"I don't think our master is the type of person to have a harem." said Hao, "He's too distrustful to love so many people at once."

"ShIIIIIEEEEEEEEETTTTT, I don't know what's wrong with him then." said Kisame, "I don't plan on falling in love or anything, but multiple females following me around like I'm god? Oh yea, that sounds like the life."

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