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KurokaVsHonest[Part 1]

Flashback - 5 ½ years ago


Nothing but snow was visible to the naked eye as strong winds blew through icy terrain. The freezing temperatures of the bottom of the world was terrifyingly cold-even Devil would have trouble navigating through such harsh terrain as snow flew everywhere. The ice-solid ground of the frozen continent was barren and lifeless-no signs of plant or animal life at all.

Amidst the strong snowstorm that blew through the cold hell was a small girl in an oversized coat that was literally twice her size. The black-haired girl with a noticeable strong set of golden eyes sat on the frozen floor, trying her hardest to ignore the extremely cold winds blasting her face at every second. She was shivering as she hugged herself, trying to keep her body as warm as possible.

"Na..Naruto...." she stuttered, calling out a name but there was nobody around, "Why....w-wh-why am I h-h-h-he-here?"

If one were to see her now, they'd question her sanity since it looked like she was talking to herself. However, a red spherical barrier phased to life around the shivering girl's body, blocking the blistering cold and snowstorm from hitting her.

Her once visible breath was now nonexistent as the space within the barrier instantly heated to warmer temperatures, giving the girl a break from the freezing torture she was enduring.

The young girl's cat ears snuck out from under her hood, twitching at the noise of the orange orb of magic fizzling to life in front of her. She let out a small hiss, making her displeasure of her current predicament known. "What t-the he-hell, Narut-t-to!?" she shouted, still recovering from her body's low internal temperature.

"'s h-ha....hard, My....Pro..t..tege..." stuttered the newly named Naruto from his spectral orb, "..b....b-but I...p.....romise tha-at....this is g-ggo-od.....f-f....for"

"That m-makes sense, but freaking Antarctica, nya!?" she yelled, "I'm a c-cat! I don't like the cold! Or wet places! This place is an entire frozen w-wet place, nya!"

"He...hehehehe...y-yo..' fun-ny....My...Prot..ege" said Naruto with an hallow, eerie laugh that would have made anybody that never heard it hair stand up, but the young Nekoshou was use to her friend's antics. " a-apar...t....of ....."

"Oh yea?" questioned the 14-year old cat with pursed lips, unbelieving of Naruto's reason, "And how is sitting in the cold gonna make me stronger, nya?"

"You reme....member our to lady?"

"You mean Yasaka, nya. We just left Kyoto two weeks ago. Honestly, Naruto, your memory sucks, nya."

".....o..ohh ... s-so.......sorry............" he stuttered with a laugh, "But.....Ya-ya...saka-saaannn.....recommend-you practice....gathe-gathering....Sen-sen..jutsu.....being in a...p-place with no l-life...forces you to...stretch out..a-and.....sum-summon natural en-en-energy....from farr...r...away."

"Hm...I guess that makes sense..." she grumbled, not denying the logic behind Naruto's harsh training method, "But did she really say got to the bottom of the world? Didn't she say somewhere with 'not a lot of life' and not 'a place with no life?'"

"Nope! He...eheheehehehhehehe!" he laughed, causing the young girl to roll her eyes at the floating orb, "B-but this" Naruto said, switching back to a more serious demeanor, "Yo...You e.....even...those born a-as....h-heirs...of d-....Devil....c-clans.....W....with' able to d-do th..things....not pos-osible.....f....for someone...y..yo....your age..."

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