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The[King]'sBreakthrough: StartOfRevolution


Bael Territory – Honest's Castle

"Delicious!" Honest muttered as he gobbled down his breakfast, "Truly delicious. Ahh! One of the perks of being me: top-tier food delivered to me whenever I want."

"Right there with you, Honest-sama!" shouted Leone with a happy smile as she followed her [King]'s lead, gobbling all of the food on her stacked plate, "Man, this is good. I'm glad we're so rich!"

"You two shouldn't eat so fast. It's bad for you." muttered Akame, who was munching on a bowl of rice with manners of a High-Class Devil.

"It's no use." Run said with a shrug, "Those two always eat without manners. While I expect it out of someone like Leone, I know you can do better, Honest-sama."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" said Leone with a growing tick mark on her head, clearly annoyed by Run's insult, "I can be an elegant, young maiden when I want to be!"

Wave snickered, "Well, maybe your natural personality is a slob that eats food you find on the ground."

"THE FIVE-SECOND RULE IS DIFFERENT!" she shouted with an animated enlarged head.

The sound of the doors of the dining hall opening caught everyone's attention, including the shouting Leone. Standing at the now open entrance was the newly engaged couple, Esdeath and Naruto. Esdeath had a small smile on her face as she guided Naruto, who had a neutral stare, to the table. Their hands were interlocked as the couple walked to their seats.

"Good morning, everyone." said Esdeath, greeting her fellow peerages members, "How is everyone this fine morning?"

"Uh..." Honest stared at Esdeath in confusion, not understanding her happy attitude. 'Why is she so happy?' he thought to himself. "Good morning...Esdeath and Naruto. How was your first night together as a couple?"

"Oh, it was splendid." Esdeath said, cuffing her blushed cheeks, "Naru and I opened hearts to each other last night: revealing what we wanted out of our relationship and how grow as a couple. It was so much fun! His words and expression really made my heart soar as we had our heart-to-heart!" she giggled, causing everyone to look at her strangely, "I guess I'm still basking at the feeling of such an emotion-driven conversation! I've never had one before but it felt so good!"

"You're practically glowing..." said Wave, wincing at Esdeath's radiant happiness, "but at least you're happy, Esdeath-sama..."

"And you, young Naruto?" asked Honest, causing the Bael to perk up at his name being brought up, "How do you feel this morning after your...heart-to-heart... Esdeath speaks of?" asked Honest before sipping his morning coffee.

"It was a new experience, that's for sure..." Naruto said with a head scratch and a smile, "but I'm glad we had revealed something's to me that I attend to in order to be a better....husband..." he finished. From his side, Esdeath glanced at Naruto, studying his facial expression. She inwardly smirked before focusing on the coffee provided to her by one of the many servants.

"Soooooooo...." Leone said with a devious smirk, "Did you two...ya' the Devil's Tango?" she said while bouncing her eyebrows suggestively.

"Leone! That' is a very inappropriate conversation to have at the dinner table...or any setting." said Run, shooting a small glare at the laughing blonde, "Please excuse Leone's antics, Naruto-sama. She lacks any shame at all."

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