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Four days later...

Bael Territory – Naruto's House

"You sure you wanna do this?" said a blue-skinned man with a grin that flashed his shark-like teeth as he grabbed his unnecessarily large sword that was wrapped in bandages. Small protrusions could be seen beneath the bandages as the sword shivered in anticipation for what may possibly happen.

"I told you, Kisame." said the blonde haired man adjacent of Kisame as he crossed his arms over his naked, chiseled chest, "We've gotta make sure we're not rusty..."

Both [King] and [Knight] were floating over the red lake that was behind the house training for the upcoming Rating Game with Tannin. On the beach watching the two was Anna, Yoh, and, surprisingly, the next door neighbor Misla Bael. Anna and Yoh stepped out the house to make sure the two powerhouses didn't hurt each other too much while Misla decided to watch to cure her boredom.

Kisame's shark-like grin only grew as he tightened his grip on Samehada, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for a rematch." he said, barely holding in his excitement.

"Probably ever since I was fully healed!" Naruto said with closed eye grin while scratching the back of his head, "It really has been a while, though. Last time we fought, you were serving the Old Satan Faction and I was a solider of the Anti-Satan Faction."

"I believe that we've fought at least five times before with no victory, right?" said Kisame, "Maybe today we'll get our answer!"

Kicking the training match off, Kisame jetted at Naruto with his Samehada positioned to crash into the Bael's side. The blonde [King] reacted quickly, taking a play out of Lee's book and ducking underneath the low swing in an impressive display of flexibility. Knowing that the shark man was open, Naruto kicked his right leg up, intending on upper cutting Kisame's chin.

Anticipating the move, Kisame opened his mouth as a concentrated jet stream of water crashed into Naruto's foot. Kisame grinned as Naruto's stomach was open for him to crash Samehada into, gaining a power increase as his sword absorbed some of Naruto's energy.

Not even bothered at the Samehada's sharp scales piercing his skin or the force of Kisame's swing, Naruto was knocked into the red water below but quickly answered back with a few shots of pure magical blast at Kisame before he was fully submerged.

"Dumb ass." muttered Kisame as he allowed Samehada to absorb the magical blast with hunger. Samehada quivered in delight at receiving a boost in power, a few of its scales jetting out of its bandaged prison. "Since you're in the water now..." Kisame was about to craft a spell but he suddenly froze, his body not reacting to his mental commands.

"You should know by now, Kisame." said a smiling Naruto as he burst out of the water with his right hand cocked back, "I'm a multi-tasker with my magic spells!" he shouted as he landed a powerful punch to Kisame's face.

Knocked out the sky, Kisame skidded against the surface of the lake before recovering, flying back after Naruto. 'Fucking smart ass...he must've filled those attacks with magic for a paralysis spell. Can't believe I forgot he could do that...' Kisame grinned evilly as he used the water from the lake to make eight sharks. The water-made beings locked onto Naruto and shouted after him with deadly intentions as Kisame followed behind.

'Diversion.' thought Naruto, instantly recognizing Kisame's plan as he countered the eight sharks with his Power of Destruction. The sharks were annihilated into nothingness, revealing Kisame with Samehada ready to steal more of Naruto's magic.

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