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Flashback – Devil Civil War

Outside of Vapula Maximum Security Facility – Lions' Den

"Hahahaha!" laughed a younger, shirtless Kisame Hoshigaki as he ripped through a nameless Devil's armor and stomach with his trusty Samahada, its dangerous scales etching its mark on the poor woman's body as the blade sucked up all of her magic in the process. His eyes darted to his left when he sensed a presence next to him. Grinning, he shifted his body to left, avoiding being skewered by another Devil solider that had noticeable trembles.

"Looks like you guys are starting to run out of people to defend the prison...." he said as he grabbed hold of the spear's handle. The owner of the spear tried to rip it out of Kisame's grasp, but the hold the shark demon had on it proved too strong for the man. "Look at you...shivering in fear just at the sight of me. I'm surprised that you could even find the balls to even approach me." he said with a devilish grin.

"I-I-I....I h-have to stop y-y-you...." stuttered the fear-stricken Devil. While he saw the blue-skinned man slowly raise Samehada over him, the man couldn't move his legs because his fear for Kisame paralyzed him. "For...for t-t-t-th-the Anti-Sa-t-t-t-tan Faction's v-v-v-vic....victory...."

"Pfft." laughed Kisame as he flexed the muscles in his arm that held Samehada, " should know by now that only one man can stop me...." he grinned as he brought Samehada down onto his prey, causing a fountain a blood to spray into the air.

Kisame groaned as he released Samehada's handle, allowing the sword to munch on the dead man's body. The shark demon stood in the middle of hundreds of bodies that were ripped open in various places. The battleground was covered in a layer of deep red blood from all of Kisame's victims, pouring into the cracks of the ground like a flood. Kisame didn't care for the mass genocide he just caused as he casually looked around the body-ridden battlefield, "Where the fuck is that blonde idiot anyway? He's usually here by now..." he muttered as he decided to take a break from the fighting.

Kisame was currently working for the Old Satan Faction, hired as an extremely strong piece sent out to clear battlefields-something the Demon was known for. He had no personal ties to the Old Satan Faction, but they paid him well, so of course he would take the opportunity to be paid to slaughter people. Since he already liked killing, it was even better for him to do it for a fee.

His mission was to help assist Legion 23 of the Old Satan Faction of breaking into the Vapula Clan's famous prison, which housed many captured Old Satan Faction-members and, possibly, future members. The Faction wanted to add onto their slowly decreasing numbers, so invading a maximum security prison to recruit high-tier Devils was an obvious choice the leaders of the group decided on.

At the beginning of the battle, it was a fairly even, but that was until Kisame decided to join, splitting off around 20% of their opponents away from the main group with his massive water spells. After secluding them away from their legion, Kisame began his feast, cutting anything he saw into ribbons while Samehada absorbed their magic. It was nothing that the weakened legion of Devils could do-they weren't trained to deal with Kisame's physical prowess and magic-absorbing skill, leaving them to be slaughtered.

Kisame stared off in the distance, looking at the massive prison that was a major staple for the House of Vapula. Large, golden lion statues surrounded the walls, as if they were acting as guard dogs for the famous prison. "Hehe...." he chuckled suddenly at the sight of the Lions' Den, "I bet I could make it out of there easily..."

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