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Kuoh Park

Rias Gremory knew the blonde was times. Being stuck in a seal of solitude for hundreds of years would do that to a person. She was glad that he was here, seeing that it had been some time since she seen the Bael, but she didn't like was 'how' their meeting was arranged. Naruto had sent the message, but why? All the anger she once had was replaced by confusion. 'What is going on here?'

She had assumed that her parents, Sirzechs and Grayfia had received the same message-their reason for being here-but why would Naruto want to kill her mother? Of course, she understood he was angry about the sealing-something she had yet to fully put past her parents-but threatening to kill her mother? Her rising number of questions needed to be answered...and quick.

"It really has been a while...two months, maybe?" he asked the red-head girl as he walked over to her with outstretched hands, wanting to hug her, "We have so much to catch up on!"

Naruto jumped back as a dangerous purple aura scared the ground between him and Rias. Venelana was glaring dangers at the grinning blonde as her aura phased to life. "Get. Away. From. My. Daughter." she muttered slowly, her murderous aura creating a small gust.

"M-mother!? Stop!" shouted Rias in fright.

Naruto's eyes peeked up in interest at Venelana's special aura. "Ahhh...the legendary purple Power of Destruction..." he said, blue eyes gleaming with interest at the rare coloration of their clan's bloodline, "What a marvel to witness. Do you think it can handle my own Power of Destruction? Hehehe!"

"You stop this nonsense, Naruto!" shouted Zeoticus, stepping up at the small threat on his wife. He was already pissed off that someone had threatened his wife, and even more pissed that it was Naruto fucking with them again. He wasn't going to tolerate anymore disrespect from the blonde. "This is my wife, and you will respect her!"

"Calm down, NOW!" The order from the Lucifer of the Underworld was absolute. The red headed man that was Sirzechs Lucifer looked absolutely livid and wanted to leave this disaster of a meeting, but he had to step in to quell the three sides: Rias, his parents, and the ever-unpredictable Naruto Bael. "We are all adults! We do not need to scream, shout, and attack one another!"

"You do have a point, but you're the one shouting the most, Sirzechs." the blonde said with a head tilt.

The Lucifer Satan sighed, facepalming as he calmed himself down. Venelana, while apprehensive, retracked her battle aura, but keep the murderous glare toned on Naruto. "This.... whatever this is, needs to be conducted a formal manner if we want to get to the bottom of things. Naruto," the blonde perked up, "why did you call us here by threatening my mother's life?! Those are grounds for being thrown in jail!"

"Eh, true, but those messages never existed." The letter in Rias' hand suddenly burst into red flames-the Power of Destruction eating through the paper and turning it into nothingness, "Plus, I had to send an encrypted, anonymous message. If I would have put my name on the message, your parents wouldn't have shown up because of how much they detest me...and the threat was large enough to pull you away from any plans you had to confront me face-to-face since the life of a Lucifer is quite busy."

'He does have a point.' Thought Rias as the tense air caused her to sweat, 'Again and again, Naruto-sama thinks of everything...but now not the time for that. I'm sensing that this meeting has some serious implications if Naruto-sama needed us all here.'

"Naruto-sama..." the youngest red head called out, "Why did you call us here? And why now, of all times?"

"See? That's how you ask a question nicely." Naruto said to Venelana and Zeoticus, motioning his hands towards Rias, "Glad I taught her how to be nice, because she certainly didn't get it from you two."

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