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19 Days Later (Day before the Devil Exams)...

Old Royal Capital: Lucifaad Palace

"Fuck, I'm nervous..." said the red-headed Satan as he placed his chin on top of the table he was sitting at.

"Language, Lucifer-sama." said a familiar, grey-haired maid that was standing behind the man, "Why are you nervous?" she asked him with her usual stoic voice.

Sirzechs sighed, blowing some of his long red hair out of his face, "I want this to work...I really want this tournament to change some things...but I don't know if it'll be enough."

"The original purpose of the tournament was to start the process of popularizing equal rights-not to force the ideal down society's throat." Grayfia wisely stated, "You'll only disappoint yourself if you continue thinking like this, Lucifer-sama."

"I knnooooooww..." he groaned as he slammed his forehead into the table repeatedly, " . . . . ."

"Please refrain from doing that, Lucifer-sama." said Grayfia's voice, "Your attracting attention."

It was the day before the Devil Exams were to be held and the council decided on having a party instead of a meeting. This way, the audience would be able to meet the participates before the actual fighting started. There would be a small meeting held for the participates after the party, but for now, Sirzechs had to wait until the party was finished-something he wished would hurry up and end.

For one, the thirteen selected devils were supposed to meet here now that they're training was up so they could give some final information about the tournament. Sirzechs prayed to whatever god that accepted the prayers of devils that there wouldn't be a fight during this party. While most of the youths seemed okay with each other during the meeting (except Dosu, something he expected cause he knew how the boy acted), he hoped that they could hold their excitement for tomorrow instead of at a party where there were many nobles in attendance.

He hadn't even seen Rias since the meeting, so he had hoped that she was getting in some good training. It was one of the things that he was excited to see-his little sister's growth.

"Seems like there are a few of us missing." said the familiar voice of Dosu. Sirzechs turned around to see the hunchbacked boy standing next to his wife. He was dressed in an all white dress shirt, khaki pants, and black shoes, but the boy wouldn't take off his scarf and straw raincoat, even when Sirzechs demanded him too. However, Sirzechs allowed him to wear them since he already looked highly uncomfortable in formal attire, "I saw Sairaorg and the Astaroth boy here, along with the Agares heiress. They're talking to a few nobles."

"While I would say that you should as well, I know the conversation would go." Sirzechs said with a chuckle.

"I'm glad you understand." Dosu said with a low chuckle of his own, "I still don't see why you put up with me, Lucifer-sama. I'm a low-class devil. There's nothing special about me. You also know that I have it out for your little sister..."

"I know all of that, but I know that you're a good person, Dosu." said Sirzechs with a smile, "You're strong and I know this from those street brawl videos of yours that I've watched. While you do have a rivalry with my little Ria-tan, she needs something that will continue to push her forward. She can't hide behind her peerage and the Gremory name forever."

"Hmph. You're smiling now, but you won't be smiling when I beat her to a pulp." said the boy.

Sirzechs just laughed, "You're highly underestimating Rias. She powerful and you'll see so soon."

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