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Months later...

Kuoh Town

For the first time of the day, Issei opened his eyes.

It was still dark outside since he was used to getting up early in the morning. He sat up and began to crawl through the bodies of Rias, Asia, Ravel, Ingvild, Xenovia, Rossweisse, Akeno, Irina and Koneko to leave their shared bed.

Things had changed drastically ever since he had watched Naruto and his peerage defeat the former Great King, Kyurem Bael. He was now a third-year student at Kuoh Academy. He also had his own peerage now and was competing in Rating Games. Ingvild had joined him recently, and Ravel, after approaching him with a confidence she wasn't known for, asked to become a member of his peerage-which he accepted.


"We're pushing for 300 reps this morning." echoed Ddraig as the red gauntlet phased to life on Issei's arm as the brunette continued benching half a ton of weight, "I'm sure that you can do that without a problem."

"My arms are gonna feel like jelly when I get around 260..." he chuckled as he pushed up on the weight, "But it's a giant jump from what I used to do..."

Issei continued his reps in silence, concentrating on completing his task of 300 given to him by his partner. Once he got to 267, he felt fatigue begin to overtake him. Once at 280, he felt like he was going to give up.

"Come on, now..." the angelic voice of his soon to be wife filled his ears. Rias stood over him, wearing one of his muscle shirts and black lacy panties. She gave him a soft smile as she grabbed the middle of the bar to help him lift, "Just a little bit more....."

Issei sighed, taking a mental picture of Rias' chest straining against his muscle shirt and used it as motivation. He pushed forward, ignoring his burning arms and finished his 300 reps. Racking the weight his arms slumped to his sides and he rolled off the bench. "Finally....jesus.....o-ow...."

Rias giggled, taking a seat on the abandoned bench as Issei regained his breath on the floor. "You've really grown, Ise..." she started, "I remember you could hardly do 50 reps that was hardly 150."

" feels like a...long time ago....but I was only under a year...ago..." he said between breaths, "Time.....really does fly...."

"It does...You do know what today is right?"

"'s been a while since we've seen them..."

"It has....we my last class is at 5:00 today. Akeno and I will get dressed and we'll leave at 6:00..."

"Got it....I just need to go take a shower..."

"Yes, you do..." she giggled as she stood from the bench, "I'm going to get ready for class...remember to tell Asia to iron your clothes."

"Gotcha." He replied with a thumbs up.

"Good.....I love you."

"Heh! Love you too."

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