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Occult Research Club

Orochimaru sipped his tea lightly and sighed at the taste. Truly, Rias' [Queen] could really make some delicious tea...

"So you are really going through with this." said Rias Gremory from her desk. She had her has linked together to support her chin as she stared at the snake man. "You really are going to fight Sairaorg today?"

"Correct, but it isn't just me. My master's peerage will completely dominant the boy and begin to make a name for ourselves for the sake of my master." answered Orochimaru with another sip of his tea.

"You guys should watch us!" said Lee as he munched on one of Akeno's home baked cookies. "It's going to be really fun! My first Rating Game! I'm really excited."

"Of course. I'd be worried about my first Rating Game as well." said Sona as she adjusted her glasses. "I do hope you all succeed, despite our differences."

It was after the school day and the day that Sairaorg's peerage would face Naruto's peerage. Naruto's peerage were using the last few hours to prepare and relax their nerves for their first ever Rating Game, which would be filmed in front of the whole Devil society. Orochimaru and Lee decided to inform the owners of the territory they were staying on what was going on. Rias' peerage, along with Sona and Tsubaki, were all enjoying Akeno's cooking as they listened to Orochimaru and Lee.

"You should watch us destroy the Bael's peerage." said Orochimaru with his ever present cocky smirk that sent shivers down the younger devil's bodies. The man was always found a way to creep the out with those sly smiles of his that seemed to promise pain.

"I actually will watch this Rating Game." said Sona with a nod. "I want to see the power that you've been bragging about as well as the rest of your master's peerage. I've felt their magical power throughout the week, which I summed up to you all as training for the Rating Game. Tsubaki and I are really interested in you all."

"Sadly," said Rias with a sigh, "I won't be able to watch the game tonight. We still have a group of Fallen Angels that I need to handle. Apparently, one of them is the reason why Issei was killed."

"Yea!" shouted Issei as he stood up from his seat. "And when I catch her, I'll make her regret what she's done to me!" Issei's Boosted Gear appeared on his arm to back up his words. "I can't wait for tonight."

"Seems your all set then!" Lee said as he inhaled the last cookie, causing Koneko to glare at him in anger. "I'll have the same mindset for tonight then! I'll show them my YOUTH!"

"We really should have killed him back then..." muttered Koneko with murderous eyes.

"We'll I'm glad you're ready for the task, Lee." said Orochimaru, "because you'll be having a major role in tonight's battle." he said, causing Lee to raise one of his bushy eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean, Orochimaru?" he asked.

" Today will be your right of passage, if that's what you want to call it, into the peerage. It'll be a measuring stick to see how strong you've become over these last two years. You'll be the one to take on Sairoarg."

"Really!" shouted Lee with happiness. "I'll be able to fight Sairoarg?! And uninterrupted too?!"

"Absolutely. I plan on telling the others to clean up the other little devils so that you can have a full brawl with Sairoarg. You don't have to beat him, but if you do, I'm sure you'll make our master proud." answered Orohimaru.

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