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"It seems as if you're running things smoothly here."

"Yes ma'am." nodded Xenovia, sitting at Sona's old desk with Saji by her side, "It took some getting used to, but I'm glad that I took up the role. It makes me feel important."

" long as you are doing your job right, then how it makes you feel doesn't matter to me." Said Sona as she pushed up her glasses, "And I know Saji isn't doing anything stupid....right?"

"R-right! Nothing stupid at all!" stuttered Sona's [Pawn], "I'm serving as Vice President without a problem! Right, Xenovia? me out here..."

"Saji is fine. He's been a big help." chuckled Xenovia, "Tsubaki-san, you should be proud of him."

"But of course. I knew my junior could do it." replied the woman, causing Saji to sigh in relief.

"Thank goodness...."

"Don't get too happy." Everyone in the room stood at guard as a mass of flames appeared. Sona's eyes widened as she remembered the voice and sighed in annoyance when she saw Hao's ever-present cocky grin. "It's been a while, no?"

"Honestly, Hao...." Sona face palmed, "There are better ways to get the door."

"Now, now, Sona...We haven't seen each other in so long and this is the greeting I get? I would have thought you would be happy to see me?" Hao's predatory eyes landed on the shocked Saji. Said boy jumped, hiding behind Xenovia's chair to avoid Hao judgmental look. "And if it isn't the pathetic [Pawn]! My, it has been sometime. Hopefully, you've grown from the shivering mess you used to be."

"Uh..h-hi...Hao-sama...." Stuttered Saji with a wave.

Hao only laughed, deciding not to mess with the boy any longer. "Hmph....nevermind that...Now then, anybody not named Sona Sitri-

"Or Opacho..."

"...sigh....or Opacho....please leave the room now."

"What?" said Xenovia, standing from her chair. Even though she knew who Hao was, his arrogance irked her to her core. "And why should we listen to you?"

"I need to talk to Sona about something in private and I would very much appreciate it if everyone"

Xenovia was about to retort, but a hand from Sona cut her off. "Don't let him get to you....just let me handle this, everyone...please..."

Once everyone had left, Sona propped herself on the edge of Xenovia's desk, crossing her arms over her chest. "You really do know how to piss people off..." she started.

"It's a skill of mine." He shrugged off the jab while taking a seat in one of the nearby couches with Opacho climbing up next to him, "I would have thought you were used to it by now."

"Maybe...but I forgot since it's been months since we've last spoken." Said the Sitri heiress with a small glare.

Hao sighed, understanding Sona's frustrations. "I know...forgive me, but these past couple of months have been hectic in preparation for Naruto-sama's coronation. A lot of moving, brushing up on my political knowledge, raising Opacho, stupid humans and their stupid virus..."

Sona snapped her fingers. "Stay on topic."

"Right...anyway, I've hardly had any free time. Me not coming to visit you is my own fault and not yours..."

" now that we're here..." Sona looked down to the floor, hiding her slightly red cheeks with her hair, " must have something to say...."

"I do....and I'm going to be blunt about it." Began the Asakura, "Sona Sitri....while we haven't seen each in you haven't diminished.....I am still wanting to pursue you, but I also recognize our busy lives with you being in college now and I helping Naruto-sama and raising Opacho."

"This is the first time I've seen her..." whispered Sona, taking a good look at Opacho.

"Hiya! Opacho likes you. Hao-sama talks about you a lot."

Sona smiled, sending a wave back at the girl. "To think that Hao Asakura would adopt a child..."

"Technically, I am her father, but Opacho and I have an older brother/younger sister relationship...though, yes, she is a child and, sadly, acts like one."


"Should we be having this conversation with her here?" asked Sona.

"Trust me...Opacho is more than mature enough to listen to this type of conversation, even though I did just say she's childish....and I tell Opacho mostly everything, so she knows about us and our history."


"Yes...but anyway, I wanted to say that are lives are busy." Continued Hao, " will be hard for us to continue where we left off....and even then...I have Opacho now. You are still young, so I don't want to force a child onto you if we were to make things official."

" what are you suggesting?"

"That we wait....o-or I'll wait on you." He stated, surprising the Sitri, "Grow older...get some years under your belt....and if you would like to continue where we left, then I'm fine with that. I believe it would be unfair to you if we were to be together and I can't give you any attention due to my busy life. So, let's give it some time...You can grow and decide what you truly want in life....and then.....if you decide that you'd like to pursue each other....I'll be there for you."

"....that's very mature of you, Hao Asakura..."

"Believe me, it took a lot of mental debate to come up with this solution." He chuckled dryly, "And I'll be okay with whatever decision you make. Honestly, you can go and live your life however you want, and I wouldn't be offended because I've acc-



"Would you like to be my date to your master's coronation party tonight?"

Sona took a mental picture of shocked look on Hao's face. She gave him a taste of his own medicine, shooting at him one of his own cocky grins as she pushed her glass up on her nose. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

"OOoooooooooooohh...Opacho like her."

"Ah...." Hao sat there, aghast for a few moments before chuckling, shaking his head to recover from his shock, "You really are something special, Sona Sitri....and I accept."

Opacho stared at the two as they entered a staring contest, having their own silent conversation with their eyes.

'Adults are weird.'

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