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(Present Day)


"I-I really like you!"

"Huh! Really?!"

Introducing Issei Hyoudou, one of the biggest perverts this world has ever seen. Issei Hyoudou is a perverted boy that attends Kuoh Academy, a school that was once an all girl school but expanded and started to accept boys two years ago. With the girls outclassing the boys in numbers, it was a perfect place for a pervert like Issei to grow his perverted desires.

After getting his balls crushed a little while after school by the Kendo Club, Issei sulked his way back home. However, he met a beautiful black-haired beauty on his way back home who claimed to have feelings for him.

"Yes. I really mean it." said the girl as she tried to hide her embarrassed face from Issei. "I've seen you walk in the area a few times and I thought you were so... so cool." She muttered with a blush.

'I can't believe it! She said that she likes me! And she's a complete babe!" Issei thought to himself as he took a quick glance at the unknown girl's chest area that was covered by her school uniform.

"Do you... you want to go out sometime soon?" the girl asked.

"Uh... Yeah! I mean... I'll go!" said Issei. He couldn't believe it. This girl was really asking him out on a date. The gods of perversion must've heard his prayers for a submissive girl that was sexy as she was shy.

"Really?" the girl's face light up in excitement. "Great! Let's meet up on Sunday. I'll meet you by the fountain in town!" said the girl as she started to run away.

"Great!" said Issei as he waved at the girl. 'Wait a second; I don't even know her name!' "Hey! What's your name?!" he shouted.

"Yuuma Amano!" she yelled back. "See you on Sunday." She took and corner and vanished from Issei's sight.

Joy filled Issei's spirit as he did a little happy dance, hoping that nobody saw what he did. "I can't wait 'till Sunday. I need to go get ready! I need decent clothes, flowers," *sniff* *sniff*, "and a shower, too. Guess all that running from Kendo Club earlier made me stinky. But I have a date!" he shouted to the heavens while running home.

ORC Clubhouse

The once abandoned club house was made into the ORC, the Occult Research Club, by Rias Gremory.

Rias Gremory, a red-haired, pure-blood high class devil, was sitting in front of chess board deciding on her next move. Rias shared this city along with another devil in the area so that they could attend school in the human world. Rias wanted to get away from her parents and siscon brother and make an establishment here to live on her own.

"I assume that Issei made contact with the fallen." said Rias as she moved a chess piece on the board.

"Yes. Koneko came in earlier and told me that she spotted the fallen spying on Issei while on his way home." Spoke another voice.

The voice that spoke was Akeno Himejima, a low-class, reincarnated devil/fallen angel that is Rias' [Queen] in her peerage. Akeno is known for her long black hair kept in a ponytail and her buxom figure, just like her best friend, Rias. As Rias' queen, she helps her manage the peerage and acts as a personal assistant to the red head.

"So they are making their move." muttered Rias as she moved another piece on the board and took one of Akeno's Rooks. "I'll have to make sure to leave one of my summoning tags on him before she does anything rash."

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