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One week later...

Naruto's Peerage House

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-

A hand slammed down on the alarm clock, stopping its annoying cry for its owner to wake up.

Naruto's eyes slowly opened, revealing his baby blue eyes to the world.

"Day 5..." muttered Naruto to himself. He checked clock and saw that it read 7:00 a.m, "I didn't even wake up once..."

He sighed and took off his breathing machine. It was the only thing that he needs to sleep at night. He was healthy enough to eat and drink for himself and he didn't need any more blood donations from the others either. He was progressing, but he had to do some of the work for himself.

Naruto groaned as he pushed himself up. His arms still hurt from the previous days, but he knew that he needed to train. His body was weak from being trapped in that seal for centuries. If he was going to follow through with his plans, he had to condition himself even better than he was during his war days.

The young Bael stood up, wearing only orange shorts, though he did have some trouble doing so. He wasn't using any magic to strength his body. It was a part of his training, after all.

Slowly walking past his wheelchair, Naruto opened the door and started his streak down the hall. He grunted a few times whenever his sore feet made contact with the floor. 'Damn it,' he said mentally when he leaned against the wall for support. He took a couple of deep breaths before continuing his walk, ignoring his crying legs as he made his way to the top of the stairs. "Okay, Naruto," he whispered to himself, "You can do this..."

Grabbing the sidebar with both hands, Naruto placed his right foot down onto the first stair. After taking a quick break to make sure everything was okay, he quietly made his way down the stairs. It wasn't as hard for him to go down the stairs now that he was supporting a large amount of his weight on his arms, however, the hardest part of walking down the stairs was keeping his balance. He flinched when his right foot hit the side of the wall, stubbing his toe. Growling out in pain, he refocused before making his way down the last few steps.

"Naruto, nya?" said a familiar voice. Naruto looked over his shoulder to see Kuroka from the dining room with a curios look in her cat eyes, "What are you doing? We would have helped you get out of the bed."

"I..I wanted to try." he muttered while using the walls for support as he took a few more steps. Kuroka quickly appeared at his side and wrapped one of his arms over her shoulders while wrapping her own arm around his mid-section. He silently thanked his protégé while the headed into the kitchen where Anna was cooking. She was wearing a blue shorts and one of Yoh's muscle shirts with everything under a pink apron.

"Good morning." she said nonchalantly, but she did take a few seconds to glance at Naruto from the side of her eyes. Kuroka didn't go upstairs to assist him, so she summed up that he left his bed himself. While it was a good sign that his recovery was doing him well, it was also very un-safe for him to be doing task like that without someone with him.

"Good night, hehehe!" Naurto joked. Both females in the room rolled their eyes his corny joke that he said every morning and every night. Kuroka sat Naruto down in one of the chairs at the table and scooted a seat next to him.

"You shouldn't have done that." she whispered to him, pulling his body towards her. She moved his head gently so that it was sitting on her breast. Naruto sighed and snuggled into Kuroka's warmth. She purred quietly when he wrapped both of his arms around her stomach and she started playing with his hair, "You should have waited for me or Orochimaru to help you."

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