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"Kuroka, wake up girl..."

"Hm? Wha?...what's..happening?"

Kuroka opened her golden eyes to see Naruto's face looking down at her. His blue orbs that resembled the ocean were shining brighter than usual and he had a small grin on his face. The close proximity of their faces made the cat girl blush a little, however she kept calm and spoke, "Hi, nya~" she said while bashing her eye lids at her [King] sensuously.

"Glad you are awake, Kuroka." he whispered.

Kuroka eyes widened a little when she heard him say her name, " said my name..."

"That is your name, isn't it?" he said with a raised eyebrow. He shook his head and changed the topic, "Never mind that, we need to go to work, Kuroka."

"Work?" she said as she sat up. She was sitting in the couch in the living room with the television playing a movie, "How did I get here, nya?"

"Kuroka, my goodness!" screamed a voice coming from the kitchen. Kuroka whole mood filled from confused to angry once she recognized the owner of that voice to be Gabriel's. Said Angel entered the living room with a small bundle in her hands, "Kuroka, my dear, are you sick? It isn't like you to fall asleep while you're working."

"Work? I don't work, nya?!" screamed the teenager.

"Yes you do. You're our maid." Naruto said again while pointing at his [Queen]'s attire.

"Wha!" Kuroka looked down at her body to see that she was wearing a maid outfit, similar to what Grayfia would wear, "I'm not a cosplayer, nya!"

"Stop screaming, Kuroka. You'll wake up Boruto." said Gabriel as she revealed that the small bundle wrapped in blanket was actually a baby....a baby that looked a lot like Naruto.

Kuroka's eyes widened with disbelief as she jumped off of the couch and took a few steps back, "What's going on here...." she mumbled.

"Come on, Kuroka. Why are you acting like this?" said Naruto as he went and stood by Gabriel and wrapped his arm around her waist, "You know that Gabriel and I are married. You've been with us all this time."

The sound of pattering feet alerted the group as they turned their attention to the stairs. Two little girls that looked like clones of Gabriel ran down the stairs and towards Naruto and Gabriel, "Mom! Dad! Miko won't let me play with her dolls!"

"They're not only yours, Kushina!" shouted the other girl named Miko, "Mom said that you have to share!"

"Why don't you two play with big sister Kuroka? You can help her wake up by going outside and getting some fresh air, huh?" suggested Naruto.

"Okay!" both Miko and Kushina's eyes lit up as they turned to Kuroka, who looked horrified, "Come on, Kuroka! Let's go outside and practice our magic!" shouted Kushina as she grabbed Kuroka's left hand while Miko grabbed her right. The two stated to pull Kuroka out the door, no matter how much she struggled. Kuroka's eyes were starting to form tears as she watched Naruto and Gabriel smile at the child that was in Gabriel's hand.

"I don't want this!" cried out Kuroka as she continued to struggle against the girl's grasp, "She's replacing me! She's replacing me!" she yelled.

"Kuroka is such a sweet girl, always wanting to play with the children." said Gabriel with heavenly giggle, "I've always felt that we had a mother-daughter relationship, so it's good to see her get along with her sisters."

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