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"This feels weird."

"I know...just go with it..."

".....there's a lot of people staring...."

"Who cares? It's hard enough trying to do this...I've never done this with anybody before..."

"Same....sigh.....why did I decide to agree to this...."

"Because you like me...."

"....damn these feelings of mine...."

Sona chuckled as she tightened her hold around Hao's neck. The man looked very good to her as he was wearing a dashing tuxedo with his hair draping down to his legs. Sona couldn't help but blush every time she stared at the older Devil. His style really made him stand out on the dance floor with her...

....he also stood out a lot because Opacho was holding onto his pants leg as they danced. The little girl moved with them, avoiding getting in their way as she followed Hao with every turn and step he made. The child made sure not to leave Hao's side since he came back, even when he asked if he could get some alone time with Sona.

"I'm sorry for this..." he sighed, shooting a small glare at the child holding his pants leg. Opacho wasn't even following their conversation, deciding to stare out in space while smacking on a small brownie she stole earlier, "I really didn't mean for this..."

"It's alright, Hao..." chuckled Sona, "She's your daughter....or sister....whatever she is, she's just happy to always be around you."

"...and I don't know what I did to deserve this type of attention from a child." Grinned Hao, "I guess this isn't that bad....not as bad as that..."

Sona glanced in the direction Hao was looking at. She had to catch her jaw from dropping at the sight of Misla Bael trying to teach Kisame Hoshigaki, of all people how to dance.

"No...first your right foot then you left foot, Kisame..."

"I'm tyrna learn this proper ass dance, not the hokey-pokey! I'm an Ultimate-Class Devil for Lucifer's sake!" he shouted in anger, the frustration building in him as he struggled to dance. "What the-" Kisame glanced around him, feeling the multitude of eyes on him, "-Get y'all asses somewhere! I wasn't looking at you goofies when you were dancing, huh?! Get the fuck on!"

"Kisame, just focus now." said Misla, placing a calming hand on his cheek. Once he did, she continued her instructions, "Now...the left foot goes first..."

"...Y-yea, ya put cha left foot out, then ya put it back in..."

From afar, Sairaorg was staring daggers at the scene of his mother dancing with the behemoth that was Kisame. Kuisha, Sairaorg's [Queen], and Orochimaru sensed the internal anger from the young man brewing under the surface. "A-are you alright, Sairaorg-sama?" asked Kuisha.

"Yes." He stated, but the duo knew that it was a lie as he continued starring at the dancing couple.

"Who would've thought that Kisame would be able to gain the interest of Misla..." Orochimaru chuckled, "What a world we live in...."

"Orochimaru, if you wouldn't mind, please stop talking about them.....its hard enough staring at them...."

"Kukuku...seems like one of the strongest rookie Devils does have a weakness-his mother." Grinned the Snake Sannin, "I would have thought that you'd love for your mother to be happy again...."

"I.....I do want her to be happy..." Sairaorg sighed, running a hand through his hair, "It's just....I don't know.....please don't take offense to this since I know he is your ally....but what in the hell does she see in him."

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