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Political Science

Three days later...

Phenex Castle – Riser's Room

Inside the room, the first thing one would notice was the massive bed where one Riser Phenex slept. While it rather massive for one person (for some nights), the bed hardly took up a space in the ridiculously large room. The walls were littered with paintings of the all-powerful Phoenix, the mascot of the Phenex Clan, in all its glory. Hanging on the wall in front of Riser's bed was a huge television that one could see from any corner in the room. Other than the exit, there were two other doors led to Riser's incredible bathroom fit for a king and large walk-in closet filled with only the highest quality of clothing.

While he didn't flinch, Riser was awakened out of his slumber when he heard his door creep open slowly, "Marvin...." Riser mumbled into his pillow, used to everyday tradition of his personal butler entering his room every morning.

"Yes, Riser-sama, it is I." said Marvin.

With a grown, Riser pushed himself up, "What have the cooks prepared for breakfast?" he asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"For your parents, the cooks have prepared a large breakfast for the two to enjoy. However, they won't prepare anything for you or your sister." said Marvin.

"What? Why would they do such nonsense?!" shouted Riser, angry that he didn't get to enjoy his usual breakfast meal.

"Hao-sama," hearing the name of his 'babysitter', Riser instantly groaned and fell back into his bed, "has ordered to meet him in the kitchen to help the head chief make your own breakfast this morning." stated Marvin, "I believe your sister is readying herself to go to the kitchen as we speak."

Riser slammed his hand into the soft bed, "Why does he have the authority to cancel my breakfast!? Who the hell does he think he is?!"

"Honestly, Riser-sama, I don't think you should make too much noise this early in the morning nor should you talk badly about Hao-sama in such a manner. I'm sure you know that his 'punishments' for disobedience are very brutal, taking the spar you two had yesterday into account..." said Marvin.

The youngest son of Phenex growled at the memory of Hao administering his 'punishment' yesterday when Riser didn't want to help the groundskeeper tend to the plants in the royal garden located in the backyard of the castle. Riser didn't even get to lay a finger on the Asakura as he danced through all of his attacks before summoning that behemoth he called a partner to munch off his regenerative arms as a snack.

Rubbing his left arm, Riser asked, "Is he here already?"

"Yes." answered Marvin, "After that, he asked for your peerage members to meet at the training grounds for a battle simulation."

"I don't care," mumbled Riser, rolling onto his stomach and planting his face into his pillow, "Riser isn't going today."

"I shall report your decision to Hao-sama then." Marvin said with a bow before leaving the room.

The room was quiet as Marvin shut the door, leaving Riser to his thoughts. He tried to go to sleep, but flashes of his one-sided 'spar' with Hao kept him from re-entering his slumber.


" call yourself a [King] with such weak attacks? Laughable."


"Honestly, I don't understand how one can be so arrogant and so incapable at the same time..."


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