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The Next Day

Kuoh Academy

"I hope everyone studied for this test." Orochimaru said as he passed out papers down the aisles of students. "I don't want to see any failing grades in this class."

Orochimaru handed a paper to Rias, but she didn't reach for it. Halting in his steps, Orochimaru back tracked in front of her desk. He rose an eyebrow when he noticed that Rias was totally spaced out, staring out the window.

"Ms. Gremory." Rias snapped out of her gaze and looked to her teacher.

"Oh! I'm sorry. My mind was elsewhere. Thank you." she grabbed her paper and started working.

Orochimaru shrugged his shoulders and walked back towards his desk. His master told him of what he did while they were fighting in the Rating Game. Orochimaru chuckled to himself while thinking about the situation Rias was in with her [Pawn]. 'I may have to start taking notes from Naruto-sama. He really is a crafty man...'

Orochimaru checked his students, studying their eyes, to make sure they weren't cheating. While none of them were, he noticed that Rias was just staring at her paper, lost in thought again.

"Ms. Gremory," everyone, including Rias, looked up to Orochimaru "If you find staring at the paper more enjoyable than actually working on it, I can just grade it now and let you stare at it all day."

The class quietly giggled as one of the queens of the school was called out. "I'm sorry." Rias blushed before returning to her test, making sure to finish it without any slip ups.

After a while, the school bell rang. The students stood from their seats and handed Orochimaru their papers. Sona gave him a slight nod, in which he returned. He guess it had to do something with the Rating Game, knowing that he watched it, so he couldn't help but grow one of his famous smirks at their accomplishment.

Rias handed in her paper and quietly left out the room, confusing Orochimaru all the more. While he knew that she was troubled, she was usually given him a glare before leaving. 'I guess the situation with her [Pawn] is effecting her more than I thought it was' he thought with a shoulder shrug. While he already knew of the situation, maybe he should get another perspective of what she was going through. He needed all the information he could get since she was the next target of his plan to free his master.

It was Orochimaru's break period, so he took his time with grading papers. He would have more time focusing on the red-haired devil soon. He just had to deal with the real evil of the world...

"Fucking paperwork..." he muttered as he got out his pen and started reading.

Hyoudou Residence

Issei was laying his bed with the lights off and the curtains closed. He didn't want to be around people right now, especially those apart of Rias' peerage. He had to take some time and think for himself before he saw them again.

"You have been in a mental battle for hours, partner, and it's starting to get on my nerves." Ddraig said. "Your mind is feeling uncomfortable right now with the sense of depression."

"Sorry." Issei muttered. "I'll brighten up some way to make you feel better."

"And how do you plan to do that coup up at home? It seems that your condition is worsening."

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