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"I'm sorry, Ryuga," said Lee to his humanoid dragon friend, "but they said the only people that can watch Naruto-sama's coronation are members of the Bael Clan and his peerage. Not even the Satan's will be able to see Naruto-sama become Great King."

"That's some bullshit." Grumbled the silver-haired teen as he laid back on Lee's bed. Team Naruto Bael had just recently moved into Bael Castle a few days prior in preparation for the coronation. While they did enjoy their time living at the outskirts of Bael Territory with their own beach shared with Misla, the team couldn't deny that living in a castle was also a major upgrade. "You do know Tannin-sama told me I had to come here to be a 'good representative' of the Dragons living in the Underworld? What type of dumb shit is that? If Tannin-sama was gonna come anyway, I don't see why I need to be here! I could be back in the valley training!"

"True, but that doesn't mean that a break is in need every now and then." said the Green Beast as he slid into the white robe that would be over his green kimono, "I asked and both Seekvaira-chan and Gaia-chan are coming today! It's been a while since we've hung out. I want to make sure everybody has fun!"

"Ya know, it still astounds me that you pulled those two baddies..." grumbled Ryuga.

"Pulled? Baddies?" questioned Lee, "What does that mean?"

Ryuga only sighed, disappointed at Lee's innocence. "Never mind, Lee. Where's Yoh?"

"He's getting dressed with Anna-sama. They should be getting finished soon. Anna-sama is a quick dresser unlike Kuroka-sama." He answered, "Mr. Orochimaru should be in one of the ballrooms making sure everything is perfect. I was gonna head over there now."

"Shit, head there? Might as well teleport there! It'll take us twenty minutes to get to the other side of this big-for-no-reason castle!" complained Ryuga.

"It has taken some getting used to teleporting in the castle!" laughed Lee as the duo teleported to the ballroom.

Orochimaru, still in his purple tunic and weird purple rope around his waist, glanced behind him when he sensed two new magical presences. "Lee...and you..." he said with an eyeroll, not too pleased to see the dragon that gave them so much trouble in their fight against Tannin.

"Uh, you mean The Great Ryuga-sama!?" corrected Ryuga, "Learn some damn respect! Do you hear me?!"

"Mr. Orochimaru why aren't you dressed yet?" asked Lee.

"I just wanted to make sure everything was set." Stated the pale man, "It won't take me long to get dressed, so you don't have to worry about that. We still have two hours until the commencement of the coronation. I'll be ready by then."

"Two hours, huh?" said Ryuga as he glanced outside a window to see the long line of expensive vehicles and carriages outside the castle, "I guess this really is the biggest event in the Underworld because that line outside stretches for miles."

"I've heard there are already members of the Bael Clan waiting at Bael Citadel for the coronation-from commoners to Devils of the highest status." confirmed Orochimaru, "What I find impressive is the fact that there is a room in this gigantic castle that can host such an massive event."

"Yosh! That's a lot!"

"It is. Though, we're basically finished here..." sighed Orochimaru, "I guess I can leave in preparation. I just hope tonight goes according to plan.....however, based on how crazy our lives are, I'm guessing something is going to happen."

"Eh, you losers need some excitement in your lives anyway." said Ryuga.

"No." Orochimaru immediately denied the Dragon, "No, we don't. I need peace."

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